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    Curious George
  1. Creating a rover for the Mun and delivering it was pretty decent...figured I would drive the vehicle over to my lunar lander area from the landing (ended up across the moon with the rover so was going to be a long drive but no big deal)....but the mechanics on the vehicle is an issue that is game breaking... Are you kidding me? My rover will not break or when it does, it just flips constantly....I get acceleration to light speed in a matter of seconds even though I am not doing anything except steering...you bank just 1 degree the rover flips....are you kidding me? If this was what a rover was all about the lunar landing on the Moon would have been a disaster....I can understand no atmos/etc...but the physics here are ridiculous...the vehicle should not be propelling itself all over the Mun trying to launch itself into space or just generally acting in ways you would never fathom it acting like... These machines should be fairly slow going as was the lunar rover which Nasa used....so the part about constantly flipping and wanting to accelerate to light speed is crazy and should be removed - have it working a bit more realistically. My design was low to the ground slightly taller than the lunar rover with a decent wide base - but on the Mun it means diddly squat as the gravity of the Mun propels the rover constantly 45 degree or so in directions it appears to want me to go, rather than where I am slowly meandering to or should I say want to meander to..
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