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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think I have corrected the mistakes I was making in the past. Gonna do lots of practice orbits, then shoot for the Mun!
  2. Thanks for the tips! Maybe I shouldn't stress over it so much? I've been practicing a lot and I think I have improved my orbits. I tried a different rocket and found it to be a lot easier. I also think I was trying to enter orbit from too steep of an angle. I'm just happy when my apo and peri are within 10,000m of each other
  3. Hi there! I used to play KSP a couple years ago but gave up in frustration. But now I have decided to give it another shot, so I have reinstalled the game and I'm trying it again. The source of my frustration was something simple - I suck at creating decent orbits. For some reason, they always come out lopsided. I've watched lots of tutorial videos and I know what to do, it just seems like my execution is way off. I think my problem lies with misusing the maneuver node. I'll grab the prograde tab and drag it until the periapsis and apoapsis "flip" but how much is enough? I think I'm still pulling on the prograde marker too long. Maybe I'm clicking the "add maneuver node" button too soon or in the wrong place. I always feel pressured to add the maneuver node and adjust it quickly before my rocket reaches apoapsis, and maybe this is causing me to be sloppy. I'm open to any and all suggestions so I can get them right, get past this, and start enjoying the game :-)
  4. "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
  5. This is exactly the kind of tutorial I've been looking for, thank you! This should be stickied
  6. Your videos are immensely helpful, and I dig your music choices A couple questions about "Take me to the Mun, part 2": -How did you come up with the 10x power curve rule of thumb? (Hopefully not just trial and error ) -How do you control the throttle so finely? -I love your method for jettisoning the extra lander tanks, it made me LOL...
  7. Apparently it's a lot harder to land on the Mun than it is to simply orbit it; I must've failed 5-6 times in my attempts at putting a lander on the surface. It didn't help that in one attempt I accidentally jettisoned my rover on descent (Edit) Oh yeah, I plan to land some Kerbals on the Mun and leave them there
  8. Yeah, sorry, I guess by "self-sustaining" I meant "can run on it's own power indefinitely." And can they be made to do interesting stuff? Like an outpost or science lab to keep the Kerbals entertained/occupied.
  9. Hello everyone! I just bought KSP at Steam over the weekend, and I've been playing it for two days. In my first day, I successfully put a craft into orbit around Kerbin, and on my second day, I put a craft in orbit around Mun (but did not land), and successfully returned it to Kerbin. In the process, I have built, flown, and crashed more craft than I can count. I have a pretty good feel for the construction process and the orbital mechanics, and the interface (I have no problems with the navball). I have decided that I now have two main goals: build a permanent space station around Kerbin; and build a permanent station on Mun. So, my question is, where do I start? One thing I can't seem to find anywhere is how to build the modules to make them self-sustaining. Yes, I've seen the tutorials, but most of them skip over the details of module construction. Are there any sites or tutorials that can explain this? I'm looking more for the why and the what, and not just the how.
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