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Posts posted by Zeniden

  1. I am reorganizing and updating my mods. In so doing I deleted all of KSP (I wanted to start over anyhow) and reinstalled to version 23.0.395.

    Following the directions I installed all the dependent mods that Fustekhttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-23-5-FusTek-Station-Parts-%28X0-04-4-DEV-BUILD-5-June-2014%29 requires. I started with the Mod Manager and then went down the list. I start Kerbal after every mod is installed to make sure there are no issues and it is easier to remove the mod that seems to be the problem. I installed all the mods and also Mechjeb but I got a message saying that the two mods were incompatible with the version of KSP that I am using. I deleted the mods and KSP again, reinstalled and double checked that all my mods were the latest.

    Am I doing something wrong here or is this a known issue? Is there a way I can get these mods installed or will I have to wait for an update to KSP / Mods in time? Here are the list of Mods I intend to use (Yes it's a large list but I like a large versatile space program, please don't criticize my choice of game play as others have in the past.)

    Fustek Space Station (Including Firespitter, Connected Living Space, Modular Fuel Tanks, Ship Manifest)

    Mech Jeb

    Kerbal Alarm Clock


    KW Rocketry

    ISA MapSat

    Roamfarer Lazor Systems

    LTech Science Parts

    Thank you for the help.

  2. I have a GPS mod that requires several satellites to be visible in an area at one time. Currently I want my GPS network to be at a circular orbit of around 750km. To make things smooth I want to position these satellites in symmetrical orbit. My pattern is sort of like an 8 point star in one network. I want these 8 satellites to orbit a specific inclination while another 8 orbit at a different given inclination (lets say 90 degrees from the first set). Is there a mod, a tool or a way to time it so that I can have each satellite opposite of it's parent? For example At hour one I launch GPS-1A (Satellite 1, Orbital path A) to a circular orbit of 750km. I want to Launch GSP-2A to be positioned around 180 degrees from GPS-1A with the same velocity and altitude. How do I do this? I do have Mechjeb installed and I know some of you aren't into mods but I am. However I am open minded and will try any advice be that modded or unmodded techniques. Thank you very much.

  3. Hello Kerbs! I am now petty far in the career mode now and am interested in building a moon launch outpost and or orbital space station. Are there any good wikis or videos? I will list my mods that I currently have.

    KAS Kerbal Attatchment System

    KW Rocketry

    Kerbal Alarm Clock


    Lazr System V31


    Any advice would be sufficient.

    Jeff Lovins

  4. No Worries Eric you didn't insult me. I am very very open to constructive criticism. Thank you for your advice it actually has helped a lot. Between you and Black I have done far better already. In just one hour I have been able to land on the Mun again with stock parts. In fact now I am trying to come up with colony designs. I am creating a facebook group to share photos and idea's. Add me on Face book if you like. [email protected]. Once again thanks a LOT for all the idea's! Ron several of those rockets are very similar in design to mine except for the fortification of your second rocket. I really like that. Looks solid. How is it for staging?

  5. No Worries Eric you didn't insult me. I am very very open to constructive criticism. Thank you for your advice it actually has helped a lot. Between you and Black I have done far better already. In just one hour I have been able to land on the Mun again with stock parts. In fact now I am trying to come up with colony designs. I am creating a facebook group to share photos and idea's. Add me on Face book if you like. [email protected]. Once again thanks a LOT for all the idea's!

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