Just a suggestion: since these are only resized stock parts, you only need to include the .cfg files in your zip. But you have to redefine your part paths to include the /Squad/Parts/<subdir>/<partname>. Here's an example using the Large Station Hub: PART { name = stationHubLarge module = Part author = ThePiachu mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 2 Add "/Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/" to the mesh line to make it like this: mesh = /Squad/Parts/Structural/stationHub/model.mu When you do this, it will use the already loaded model & texture from the Squad part, meaning you won't double the memory usage for your resized part. There was a mod for 0.21, ReStock, that did the same thing that you're doing. You should check it out to see how the author made his parts.