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    Curious George
  1. As the user before me, I am also a noob at this mod. I have the following problem: Deadly Reentry is too deadly for m! Whether I come in to the atmosphere of Kerbin with only a MkI capsule and a heatshield or with some science stuff attached, I always explode.. (And yes I am pointing my shield to 'the flames'.). I come in from a 100-120km orbit with a periapsis of about 22-30km. Scott Manley did this in his latest video series as well, and he managed to "not explode".. Still, when I reach around 25-30 km altitude (about 2000 m orbital velocity) my shield overheats and blows up. The temperature is about 1000 degrees Celsius then. My question: Am I doing something wrong (angle or something like that) or I the mod somehow set wrong in my game? If I am doing something wrong, can you then suggest me what to do to make it work? I really like a challenge, but this I cannot do. Thanks in advance.
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