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  1. Ive been experimenting with designs using landing skids instead of wheels on my crew return vehicles as they glide in to land and aren't meant to take off again. Currently, I'm using I-Beams as the skids but these are very heavy and throw off your crafts CoM. Would someone be able to make landing skids like the X15 or Arado234 has? Maybe so when they contact the ground they produce a certain amount of drag to help slow your craft down. p.s. It would be an interesting mod to have landing gear failures or popped tires past certain speeds, and maybe using skids or other types of landing gear would have different pros and cons.
  2. How accurately is body lift calculated in FAR? For a while I have been using a design(Below) where I rotate Mk2 fuselage until they blend together to form an almost perfect shaped lifting body. Is the shape being calculated to give me wing type lift or is it just giving me generic body lift based on the amount of fuselages I have? As you can see, the body is blended together to make an almost perfect lifting body. Is this accurately calculated or am I just making my plane blunt and more susceptible to drag? p.s. This craft in question doesn't want to stay nose first. When re-entering the atmosphere, at around mach 6, the nose either pitches up or down violently and goes engine first and it's impossible to get it going nose first after that. No matter where I move the CoL too, it always flips over engine first. Is it the gull wings or is it the body? I included the FAR analysis if someone more familiar with aircraft/spaceplane design could give me some advice.
  3. Would someone be able to re-upload these to curse or another site? I had a hard drive failure and lost all my saves, and I really loved these parts. Great Mod Touhou, this is one of those parts that makes you wonder why this isn't stock.
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