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Everything posted by jpfx1342

  1. Is there still a 0.22 version available? I'm holding back on the update due to my existing campaigns, and I'd love to add this mod. The most recent download seems to work okay initially, but also seems to break the Flight UI with lots and lots of InvalidProgramExceptions in the log. I'm assuming it's because it was recompiled for 0.23, and method signatures have changed and such.
  2. I've been looking at the API exposed by KSP, and UrlDir.UrlConfig objects have a "parent" variable of type UrlDir.UrlFile that might be useful for determining the path. UrlFile objects in turn have a "parent" variable of type UrlDir. I think instead of doing the string manipulation, you could probably replace line 341 in Welder.cs with something like: //UrlDir.UrlConfig cfgdir = <function parameter>; UrlDir.UrlFile cfgfile = cfgdir.parent; UrlDir cfglocation = cfgfile.parent; string dir = cfglocation.path; Or more concisely: string dir = cfgdir.parent.parent.path; Then url would be: string url = string.Format("{0}/{1}", dir, mesh); //or something similar
  3. Yeah, I know you don't read the cfg, but you use the UrlConfig objects from the game, and the path defined on them is derived from the name of the config. The code that loads models tries to find the location of the config so it can locate the models. It looks at the path defined on the UrlConfig object, and expects there to be a "/part/" element in that path, when instead the game actually uses "/<nameofconfig>/". Because the code is expecting "/part/", it fails to manipulate the path correctly, causing it to look in the wrong location for the model files. In the case I presented to you (with ExLaunchpads's hexcans), the part config was named "Huge.cfg", unlike the code expects, and the model was named "model.mu", which is the standard, as well as what the mod looks for by default. At least, that's what I got from reading the code.
  4. This appears to be the same problem I've already reported. The problem occurs because the config file for that part is named "containerBay1.cfg", and not "part.cfg", as the mod expects. On a side note, I've used KAS, and I doubt that container bays will weld very well. You may want to just leave them off of your weld and add them later.
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