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Posts posted by legolegs

  1. Hello there, I've got a piece of information to be possibly added to the first post:

    How to change mouse polling rate in linux temporarily without rebooting

    There is a special virtual file to checking out and setting this parameter. You must work with it using terminal being root.

    Read value:

    [root@localhost~]# cat /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll 

    It says 0 (zero) which means 1 milliseconds (almost zero) of delay between system's requests to mouse which means good aiming in games. But in KSP it also means that while right mouse button pressed game tries to redraw screen 1000 times per second which is impossible. That's why KSP lags when rotating camera. If it says 8 or 10 you should not experience said issue.

    Set new value:

    [root@localhost~]# echo 8 >  /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll

    And re-plug your mouse to apply the change.

    Now interval between polling is set to 8 ms (125 times per second) and KSP will behave much better. I'm still in the search of method to change polling rate instantly and without raising my back from the chair.

    Just thought: I can simply buy cheaper mouse. I'm pretty sure linux can have two mice connected at same time. Just swap them on the table when want to play KSP.

  2. Hello. I'm using mod install/update tool CKAN. I found Talisar's Tanks aren't in database so I made .ckan file and filed a request to add it.

    The nice thing about CKAN is that it can automatically install dependencies such as FirespitterCore, ModuleManager and ModularFuelTanks.

    And yes, once you update FirespitterCore and ModularFuelTanks this pack will work with KSP 0.90.

  3. But if you can get past the upper atmosphere then you're pretty safe and can probably even land without chutes. (I read recently that the Venera probes freefell without their chutes the last 50 km) <-- EDIT: Oops that can't be right.... that must be a typo. Can anyone with actual knowledge on those probes confirm or refute that number?

    I made an investigation for you :) Yes it is true.

    Automatic interplanetary station Venera-8 was using traditional scheme with drouge and main chutes and had touchdown speed 8.3 m/s. Since it was able to withstand 335 g during reentry constructors decided it had too soft landing. Next pair of apparatus Venera-9 and 10 had only drouge chutes (to have more time for atmospheric analysis). After dropping spherical heat shield craft looked like that:


    (source: http://www.laspace.ru/rus/venera910.php).

    The flat conical thingy on top (similar to our FL-A5 Adapter) is called "aerodynamic blind" and acted as a sturdy chute. I found no data about impact force but both Venera'es were considered landed "soft" and successfully performed science program.

    I've found an original 1976 paper (rus), see the second .djvu file here: http://sovams.narod.ru/Venera/9-10/ki-xiv-5.html

    As we can see here (data collected during descent), the chute was cut at 50km, no typo there:


    Line and scale marked H represents height, horizontal axis is time h:mm.

    Paper also said the terminal velocity (for <~1500kg lander with ~2m diameter) before touchdown was ~7 m/s. Such a soup.

    Further read in English: Don P. Mitchell: First Pictures of the Surface of Venus

  4. Hello. I have an issue with FAR. Two of them actually. First issue:

    Center of lift indicator moves off center if I move wing. Craft file (Stock parts+FAR): http://rghost.ru/58944964

    How to reproduce:

    1) Load craft


    2) switch to 2x symmetry mode with angle snap off

    3) pick thw wing and put it back where it was


    CoL after wing moved.

    Part of log after loading SPH with said craft: http://pastebin.com/JD9Fe6WJ

    Full log (very long one, also I loaded old save with fragments of modded data while mods being temporarily moved away, and after that I created new clean save and made tests within it): http://rghost.ru/58945141

    Second issue:

    That craft I linked above rolls counterclockwise for no reason.

    How to reproduce:

    1) Lift up.

    2) Turn off SAS, FAR utils, get rid out of trim

    3) roll to any sensible position (-45...+45 degree) and leave controls (maybe you have to trim pitch)

    4) watch plane slowly rolling counterclockwise.

  5. Well I finally had time to play again with DRE. After reading all the explanations chute cupolas burning out is not a magic for me anymore. Now I want explain to mod author why the chutes behavior was so much frustrating for me and for many others.

    A first I should explain why previous versions on DRE weren't frustrating. It is simply because there were rule: don't do OBVIOUSLY stupid things and you will be mostly fine. "Obviously" means "do not allow G-meter gauge reach the top value", "do not deploy chute if you see red flames around the rocket", "point stronger parts towards the danger such as red flames". Using that rule a least inside Kerbin SOI I never had to check _numbers_ ever and everything went good (except of stupid things). I loved the mod.

    Now in DRE chutes gets destroyed... when? The answer is a complicated formula involving altitude, speed and planet's properties. It just impossible to calculate in head! And in first place it is impossible to figure out this formula through experiments! Sometimes I got chutes working at 440 m/s, other times they broke at 370 m/s. It looks like black magic and pisses people off. One can say "it should be intuitive understanding that 400m/s is too fast". Personally I intuitively understand that planet with size and gravity of Kerbin cannot exist, so what now?

    Now my proposal. In KSP and majority of the mods you either do not need to do math or instrumentation for that is provided for you. And that's cool. Since chutes getting melted by shockwave mechanics actually makes sense I do not propose to disable it. My suggestions are:

    1. Make vanilla white supersonic effect to be shown at lower speed until shockwave heating stills endanger chutes. That way player will learn when to open chutes with little effort and few kerbals causalities.


    2. Make chutes to not open in unsafe conditions. Delay opening just like "Semi-deployment" twickable does (but without twicking) - just chute staging icon becomes light blue until safety conditions are met. Since there could be no reasons to cook your chutes that restriction will be harmless.

    And thanks for the awesome and absolutely mandatory mod. Sorry for grammar, English it not my native language.

    tl;dr: pls make chutes wait for safe speed

  6. Hello. When I checked log file I found an error message;

    [LOG 19:16:51.901] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CLSAddon' from assembly 'ConnectedLivingSpace'
    [ERR 19:16:51.902] Script error: OnJointBreak
    This message parameter has to be of type:
    The message will be ignored.

    Seems like it breaks nothing but I better make developers know about it.

    I am using linux 64 bit version, btw.

  7. Hello. I have strange error in my log file:

    [LOG 19:15:06.272] Load(Assembly): PartCatalog/Plugins/KopiLua
    [LOG 19:15:06.272] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /home/legolegs/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PartCatalog/Plugins/KopiLua.dll
    [ERR 19:15:06.303] Failed to load assembly /home/legolegs/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PartCatalog/Plugins/KopiLua.dll:
    System.Security.SecurityException: Assembly /home/legolegs/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PartCatalog/Plugins/KopiLua.dll tried to use forbidden type System.Diagnostics.Process!
    Allows launching of external processes.
    at AssemblyLoader.ScanForBadTypeRefs (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [LOG 19:15:06.303] Load(Assembly): PartCatalog/Plugins/NLua
    [LOG 19:15:06.303] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /home/legolegs/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PartCatalog/Plugins/NLua.dll
    [LOG 19:15:06.304] Load(Assembly): PartCatalog/Plugins/PartCatalog
    [LOG 19:15:06.304] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at /home/legolegs/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/PartCatalog/Plugins/PartCatalog.dll

    Afterwards the mod does work, but I presume I'm missing some nice functionality. Can someone explain me what KopiLua.dll does and how much it is important?

    I'm running linux 64bit version, btw.

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