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Posts posted by WolfCoder

  1. I can confirm the planets suddenly become gray featureless mountains when you get close. Who (other than the author of the mod) doesn't get this problem?

    It's really creepy because if you zoom the camera out it suddenly fades and becomes the yellowish Wal again.

    Just tried it on career, and still no contracts for me. I've deleted it, I'm gonna wait till that gets sorted out.

    Sometimes I've noticed you don't get contracts for even the stock planets where expected. You have to keep exploring and cycling your contracts for them to show up.


  2. I can confirm OPM works in 1.0 (*JUST* OPM, I have not installed any optional/recommended mods), however, I have not attempted the new planet resource scan feature on any of the outer planets. It looks like there is a catch-all for resources defined in the Squad folder:

    ResourceName = Ore
    ResourceType = 0

    PresenceChance = 100
    MinAbundance = 1
    MaxAbundance = 15
    Variance = 50
    Dispersal = 3

    It looks like you'll get default mining abundances for the outer planets until unique defines are written for them in this mod. The file also eliminates mining from "water" (Eve, etc.), but it might be possible to mine resource out of any "water" in the outer planets (Tekto?) because no exceptions exist yet for them.

  3. and I assume that Blizzy's toolbar needs updating as well though I haven't tried it in 1.0

    Blizzy's Toolbar and everything relying on it is completely broken too. I wish more mod authors migrated to the built in toolbar, it seems much more update resistant.


    WindowVisible = True
    WindowMinimized = False
    WindowVisible_SpaceCenter = True
    WindowMinimized_SpaceCenter = False
    WindowVisible_TrackingStation = False
    WindowMinimized_TrackingStation = False
    WindowVisible_Editor = False
    WindowMinimized_Editor = False

    Find the settings folder inside TriggerTech/KerbalAlarmClock or whatever it was named. Change these to True for visible and just leave the menu open for now.

  4. I haven't realized how unplayable the game is without this mod. This and Kerbal Engineer are the absolute minimum mods. Something's messed up with the alarm clock button in 1.0 (it doesn't show up), but the mod seems to work if you had left the alarm menu open in the previous version. Hope it gets fixed soon.

    (1.0 has built in Warp-To-Here from the orbit menu you can use in the meantime)

  5. playlist
    name = Space
    loop = true
    shuffle = true
    preloadTime = 5
    track = Mysterioso March
    bodyName = Minmus
    name = Space
    loop = true
    shuffle = true
    preloadTime = 5
    track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
    scene = Flight

    Now plays Mysterioso March everywhere, including the title screen, in space, around minmus or not around minmus. The only time it doesn't play is in the VAB.

    SEPARATE BUG - This one is when it tries to read the .mp3 files downloaded from


    It crashes trying to read the ID3 tags. Not a big issue, I can just transcode to .ogg via Audacity anyways.

    SIDE NOTE - This addon seems to work in KSP 1.0, Tested further, it works in 1.0 at least the way it did in 0.9.

  6. I can't get planet specific music to work no matter what I do.

    The new plugin works fine for everything else. The old and new music plays, and the default configuration worked. To start setting music per planet, I started doing this:

    name = Minmus
    loop = true
    shuffle = true
    track = Mysterioso March
    scene = Flight
    bodyName = Minmus

    name = Space
    loop = true
    shuffle = true
    preloadTime = 5
    track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
    track = KSP_SpaceAmbience02
    track = KSP_SpaceAmbience03
    track = KSP_SpaceAmbience04
    scene = Flight
    inAtmosphere = No

    It always plays Mysterioso March (assigned to Minmus as above) when I'm in space or on Minmus. I have tried changing the name to minmus, MinMus, "Minmus", etc. and none of them make any difference. It is like the bodyName tag is completely ignored and plays it just because it is first.

  7. Interesting mod. It encourages spaceplanes since you can recover the entire craft when done and regain all the cash.

    Some bugs/exploits I found:

    - If you delete a game save but make another game save with the same name, the old ledger is not deleted.

    - If you directly click on the launchpad from the space center building overview screen to select and launch a craft you can exploit the mod- it is not deducted from your money and you can recover the craft to gain the craft's value in science.

    - If you try to launch a craft when one is already on the launchpad, the game asks you if you want to clear and recover the old craft. Recovering from here does not give you your money back.

    - The special === Revert to Launch === message only occurs if you revert from a rocket pad launch. If you revert from the runway back to the spaceplane, it just shows a craft construction message (it does give you the cost back still, though).

    One suggestion:

    - If the player reverts to launch, the ledger should be erased back to that point. When I test spaceplanes, the ledger gets cluttered and spammed with messages.

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