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Everything posted by zsanderson3

  1. Thanks for the reply! Here is an album of screenshots to show what's happening The launch clamps didn't seem to help. The rocket just fell to the ground while the engine was burning. The fuel tanks do seem to work though because I was able to make a stock engine fly with a KW fuel tank. I am using the Modular Fuel, Real Fuels mod. Might that be an issue? Edit: ok, it seems that the "real fuels" part of Modular Fuels breaks the engines.... I don't know why or how to fix it though.... Edit again: I think I worked it out. Installed a different version of modular fuels and it seems to function now.
  2. Hey, I'm new to installing mods and all, but this looks awesome. I seem to be having issues with it though. All the parts show up, can be selected, and are rendered fine. However, I seem to be having an issue where the engines burn and consume fuel but won't move any rocket, no matter how small, at all. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling. The KWRocketry folder is in the GameData folder. I haven't had any major issues with any of the other few mods I've installed, so I really think I did that properly. I haven't seen anyone else mention having this problem, so I have no idea what is happening... Thanks for any help you can give.
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