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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Both mate. All I know is I want an angle that looks like 45 degrees from myself and the target before i try to make a burn. Figured that out watching Mechjeb xD Ship designs are a massive plus.. Ideas though.. Not files I'd like to build them myself. Yeah Vana I have seen yours and saved a few of the photos for reference. I'm building a ship that resembles what you have in your ship design post. In fact my first docking attempts were inspired from it...
  2. Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone out there had some advice for a rookie at long space flights. I've made Duna and Eve.. Jool once by shear luck. This is what I use.
  3. Today I wanted to test yet another interplanetary craft that requires no docking that can get me to any of the planets. Just wanted to get away from Kerbin SOI if I could. Well.. I did! She now is sitting on a Fifty-seven day cruise along Kerbins orbital path before launching out towards Jool Day 12- Jebs playin poker with Bob an Bill. Day 19- The modules beggining to smell like... Day 27- "Did you remember to leave mechjeb at home?" .. "No. I thought you did..." Day 27- "I'm sorry Jebediah... I can't let you do that" Day 57- "Uh... Jool one this is mission control... Come in" .... "Jool one?" ..... "Hello?"
  4. Jeb is the chief (read, only) scientist on my Duna base at the moment. In his spare time he enjoys collecting samples and kicking the empty fuel cans.
  5. KSP in the lead by a huge margin... 38% at the time of posting versus 24%
  6. Sending this lil guy.. (pic attached) To Duna.. I think... Let the poor Kerbal set up shop Then I;m going to send out a rescue craft with a base refit.
  7. Couplers!! Now why didnt i think of that! And indeed. My Quad ship design failed turning into a pinwheel in space! I bet Jeb was wondering how he suddenly felt gravity right before careening into his sister ship!
  8. So I made an attempt at docking. First was the science station that I put into Eve orbit. Yay Eve! Next was a lander/engineering package. Worked once, then the second time the docking port failed during a braking manuver to achieve Duna orbit. Any advice on ship construction would be nice. Particulary construction of smaller ships to be pieced together in space to create one massive stellar cruiser. Currently I am working on a four ship design. Three engineering modules and one lander module in the center.
  9. Wing Commander.. The very first one. I mean that game was fun... Of course the early SW games as well. Really took spacefighter sims to a new world.
  10. Career mode as always. I dont think I have played sandbox since purchasing the game when .22 came out. Back to topic though. Yesterday and the days prior were spent in design mode trying to find a nummy spacelifter ( I dont even know if thats the right word for the massive rockets I Kerbal-taped together and lit a match under) The lifter didnt go boom so I strapped an interpanetary explorer to it and sent it to Duna, Eve, and then back to.. Oh wait... No more fuel... TODAY! Rescue mission, then lander designs. (Also finally got unlazy and made zee forums postings) Pics and vids to come once I figure out how. And as always! F=MA
  11. Absolutly!! I'm looking into how to make vids of my travels so I can post em here... They are bound to get a laugh or heckle out of most of my fellow Kerbalnauts. (Is that what we are or are we Kerbinauts?)
  12. Wait so if i land on the mun and just... Wait? Its gonna come lumbering towards me and try to steal my ship so the arch can enter space and procreate making even more arches to one day take over all of Kerbalkind? (real question though!!!)
  13. How survivable would it be if you ejected Jeb during ascent? Say at like the 25-75 height. And are these awesome paraflying adventures done with any mods or stock game?
  14. How survivable would it be if you ejected Jeb during ascent? Say at like the 25-75 height.
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