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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i am a capsuler have been playing for about 6 months now
  2. for me it would probally be rayman origins, that lum tune never gets old also EVE online
  3. a soldier sees a group of tanks rolling over the hill, he shouts out 'TANKS' to alert is squad, how did is CO reply? you\'re welcome
  4. either im completely incompetent or i don\'t understand the pack but i cant even build the basic station can someone post its layout o that i know which bits i actually need?
  5. Really? cool i guess your in game name is the same as here
  6. so this is how the kermans celebrate new years eve awesome mod this will be of very use full for my plans blowing up my clones saving my kerbonauts
  7. Heyya everyone as my name says in DragonV2 and thought it was about time i actually made a post on this forum anyway i got introduced to this game by a friend and pretty much fell in love after my first launch ive been around since 0.9 i believe cant quite remember and have been observing these forums ever since more or less, i hail from the Netherlands where i am currently studying Aerospace engineering other hobbys include reading War hammer 40k doodling, EVE online, Gaming in general and procrastinating
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