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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. when your watching the video to Amerika by Rammstein and actively look for jeb.
  2. thanks for the heads up man, gotta figure the brightness issue out first
  3. Just a quick video taken while trying my first spaceplane, and science hunting in career mode, it may not be amazing but I thought why not post and let people see a terrible pilot. also a slight bug but nothing game breaking. Enjoy http://youtu.be/nJzSzveBTY4
  4. sent a probe to gilly, got scared by the lack of gravity then took it to eve on its landing stage, also attempted a space station only to have it taken out by the only piece of debris in the game (I'm ocd about cleaning up) oh and crash tested my rover. all in all a fun day
  5. on a side note first probe to gilly, then hopped to eve. its almost 2 am i should be sleeping...
  6. Just a hi, nothing major. its only polite to introduce yourself and we all come to share our love of ksp. I may not build the pretty ultra efficient ships (more struts and more rockets solve my problems) and I may not be sane. figured id fit in well here. So hi from me, an average crazy brit!
  7. I figure my first post should be a true kerbal one. Technically i went to space today but it seemed an impromptu crash test was in order http://youtu.be/6Zksed0JQa8 I think my rover is pretty sturdy
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