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Everything posted by baberbot

  1. all of this is for testing in a separate carea save there are 2 options i used in the past 15km kerbin atmosphere = surface atmosphere of duna 1) use debug menu to reduce gravity to 30%/0.3G and try to achieve under 10 m/s speed by 15 km and then try return to orbit (may need action groups to cut parachutes as well as need to edit their deployment height in the VAB prior to launch) 2) other option is use the set orbit command in debug menu to teleport a test lander to duna orbit then attempt do land and launch prefer second one as is better and more accurate but option 1 requires less effort
  2. found that very early on so i started to add challenges to my career runs e.g. only space-plane/reg-plane launches from KSC, adding LS ect. tho normally i run a sandbox mode with science (create science save then add enough science to max out tech tree so it runs like sandbox that still allows science experiments)
  3. well, i cant play anymore as my computers power supply failed catastrophically, then briefly set on fire, while it burned it sent a power surge straight to the motherboard charing it and melting off one of the power regulators. The surge also fried the i7 prosesor. so no more KSP (or any other games for a while)
  4. Currently working on module testing phase for a escape kerbin colonise laythe scenario using civilian population, ISRU, and EL, life support (and other mods but those are main four) so once mothership is made and leaves kerbin orbit not allowed to use KSC launchpad/Runway outside of "simulations" to test new designs. Currently working on the laythe to orbit to laythe reusable shuttles/transports as each designed to carry different supply type (EL rocketparts, fuel, LS, kerbals, mining) to and from the space station (mothership core module) without refuling at station if possible
  5. I set myself a challenge using EPL, civilian management and kethane(and new stock mining) set up a colony on layth, and only launch from there form now on, I then also said to myself that it would be interesting to have the tectree progression as well (as a new kerbal colony starting completely from scratch) so i had to figure out how to convert the save file form sandbox to career (colony stuff and EPL is very late on the tree, let alone the rockets needed to get there). since I figured it out I thought i would share it with you guies (although some of you probably knew how already) How to change a career save to sandbox first backup the name of your sandbox save from the sfs, do not backup the thing in brackets e.g. Title = sandbox make a blank career save with preferred settings in the career saves persistance.sfs find ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities scrole down to botom of section to where the next scenario starts copy everything above that scenario finally in the sand box sfs find ScenarioDiscoverableObjects go to the start of the next scenario (this is the same pace as the end of the section you copied from you career save) block all text above this point and replace with the career save stuff you copied earlier place the backed up title form the start and your done your sandbox save is now at the very start of a career save
  6. he is turning all those kerbals into kethane
  7. how about..... the galaxy (the sun is only called Kerbol because of the community said so, in game it is just called the sun)
  8. baberbot here helped a bit in k^3 nnd am willing to join another co-lab but exams in 3 weeks so don't know if I will have enough free time. put my name own for now ill tell you in advance if i am unable to participate for the remaineder of the project and that i wuold be quitting
  9. Much fire! me want launcher! Give it to me! also I launched an over engineered MUN lander which got 4 biomes in one launch. .
  10. Disclaimer: I am dyslexic Good work getting one to work. personally I avoid rovers intierly and just make sub orbital hops if I need to move across the surface. I was planning on looking through the interstellar code so I could apply the Solar sail engine effect (works while under non-physical time warp) to the ion engine so I may think of using it sometime.
  11. sorry couldn't find quote button, it has been fixed
  12. *disclaimer 1: I am dyslexic please excuse spelling errors I do believe that the the new sls engines have a too high isp for there role and also it brakes the general trend as seen below (but manually fixed that issue anyway) but other than that i'm fine with the rest of the ARM squad mod there are two ways to fik this issue 1. (here is all nasa mission pack with modified(nerferd) Isp for 3.75m engins https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bzk2g35pucvp3e5/BBqRRbBWxt) 2. All the ARM parts are in a folder in the game data folder called NASAmission the same as a standard mod folder (so this is effectively a squad made part mod) if you don't like the parts just delete all the parts apart from the GrapplingDevice(Klaw) and the PotatoRoid(the asteroid part) as these are needed for the asteroid and asteroid grabbing to work) reason why unhappy with isp:
  13. I want a ball pit in a mun crater where all the "balls" are asteroids
  14. a few extra options: 1. you could always use interstellar mods fusion engine its very efficient but has 250 thrust. (+ kethane?) 2. edit an engine.cfg file to give it 5 times the thrust of a mainsail and the efficiency of an ion engin. (+kethane?) 3. a pod attacked to many mainsails on the pad then turn on infinite fule.(+ kethane? just kidding:sticktongue:) 4. build an wackjob sized craft on the pad (+ kethane? [make wackjob proud]) 5. build an scaled down wackjob sized craft in elloo orbit using kethane + docking
  15. just incase as weegee hasn't pased on the massage but i cant make it
  16. Levelord, can you post the engine sub-assembly (second pic)we can do stuff with it. (strugling to convert your mini kracken drive to sub-assembly engine)
  17. there is already achievements in the game...ish you can see what has been achieved in a particular save in the persist file it can be interesting to look at. tho there is no way (without mods) to see it in game
  18. although I personally only have a small mining base on mun:sticktongue: my main one is on minmus cus low gravity but I assume we will do that later:D
  19. my perfered use of the rapier is the rapier, turbo, nuke combo (cliped) turbo for low atmo, when TJ burn out occurs turn on rapier jet, somehow stops TJ burn out, turn off rapier (i managed to get to 35km with this once), when butn out prevention no longer works use rapier to get a decent appoaps then use nuke to circularise, head to minmus etc. [Disclamer] some one else on the forums invented this strat so i can't take credit for inventing. But do use it frequentily. I run tests most other clipped comboes (dual TJ + various rockets, dual TJ + rapier, 3 rapiers etc.) gave me most DV at end.
  20. sry forgot to change that:confused: done it is public now i'll get a drop-box account for next time setting up an imagure account today to so i can get the pics up it is the most recent one, the time stamp must be buggy sorry
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