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Everything posted by kokowang

  1. Wasmic - Its on high performance. - - - Updated - - - Upgrading will probably work but the problem is its on low graphics and it uses more gpu than Battlefield 4 on ultra. My CPU almost never max out because I have it overclocked to 5ghz. It only lags when GPU maxes out. My CPU maxes out at around 1200-1500 parts, by that time im running about 1 FPS because my GPU is dying.
  2. The main in-game screen showing all the buildings at KSC maxes out the GPU. Terrain set to low, Antialiasing off, minimum settings except rendering at simple. Getting 12 fps. I get higher framerate on lower performance gpus like the intel I3 - HD graphics 4000. There is no logical reason for ksp on near minimum to use more graphics power than battlefield 4/arma 3 on full. CPU: AMD A10 5800k OC 5ghz GPU: MSI r7 265 OC 1050mhz RAM: 8gb, 4gb allocated to KSP 32 bit. OS: Windows 7 64 bit. Stats: GPU usage - 100% CPU usage - 6% allocated RAM usage - 1.2 GB/4GB Paging file usage - 0GB/32GB Force Opengl results in lower frame-rate than default DX11. No crafts launched, clean save. EDIT: Switching from FSSS x4 to EDSS x12EQ seems to have increased framerate. But it still should be alot higher. EDIT 2: It seems that Post process anti-aliasing is using alot more gpu than it should on a simple game like ksp. The ksp version of anti-aliasing is just blurring, basically unusable. I found the best combination of looks and performance is Adaptive multisampling with edge-detect 24x + EQ. It still is using a ridiculous amount considering that games like battlefield 4 uses less for much higher graphics. If anyone knows a way to anti-alias KSP without completely killing the gpu please reply. I know its a beta and its not optimized but even ARMA 3 runs better than this.
  3. Can you add TweakScale compatibility? Or can someone send me a DLL fix?
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