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    Curious George
  1. Hi all, I just started with KSP 0.22 a month ago and love it. Engineer Redux is the only plugin I'm using and it is a great tool. But I have a serious problem right now: Jebediah is out of fuel in a capsule orbiting the sun. I really want to mount a rescue mission but his capsule doesn't show up on my flight engineer rendezvous menu. Am I not supposed to get a "vessel" category? I only see "debris" and "celestial body"? Just trying to figure out if this is a bug or something I am doing wrong. I can rendezvous to 3 different pieces of "5th flight" debris, but none of them show the correct distance or velocity to be the capsule. EDIT: False alarm, it's working for me now. I think the issue is that in my screenshots I was looking at the solar system but my rescue craft was still orbiting Kerbin, and I didn't have any orbiting vessels there to rendezvous with. After I left Kerbin's sphere of influence and the vessel menu became available. Now to attempt my grand rescue!
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