I have a story for this challenge. So one day, the administrator was sitting in his office looking at the Mk 1 Command module memorial, when one of the assistant kernels came in. "Sir, there's been a problem." This didn't come as a surprise to the administrator, there were always problems. They had one every other day. "The government has cut funding to the mun program. We only have funding for one mission." That didn't seem like a problem. It was probably better for the kerbonauts in the long run if they never got into one of our rockets anyway. Eyeing the memorial again, he said "Well, whats the catch? doesn't seem like a problem to me." The Assistant straightened his tie, which was never a good sign. "Well, sir, we had a contract with all the other kerbonauts on track to go to the moon. We have to send them all in one go." The administrator promptly dropped dead on the spot. They always did. Hope it was good!