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Everything posted by UnknownOrbit

  1. A submarine i did not know that was possible ,but new water physics make it possible. I think.
  2. Planes that Land in water anyone? Things with the new engines. Planes that take off in water. The same with rockets?
  3. 2nd year after. A War broke out between the republic and union. The country was forced to support the union and later the republic to avoid being invaded. The Space program was cancelled and the space center was dismantled for metals. But at the end where a stalemate was reached between the two superpowers only five independent countries exist and are mostly surrounded by the bigger, the space program was started from new but this time from a new private company who hired the old crew.
  4. Episode 6 Day 40. KSC, Runway Gene: Okay were testing the Isol IV Aircraft Objective is to fly 5000 meters up and at a speed of 250 meters per second to complete their respective contracts and to bring the Isol line out of the prototype phase. Jeb: So how are the controls this time. Gene: It's better than the last jet-engine aircraft, it also doesn't have parachutes to save you. Bob: What! Gene: Oh yes, you're here too. Bob: No parachutes? What if we go in a spin we'll all die! Gene: Jeb, start the engines. [jeb starts the engines] Jeb: I think the speedometer is broken Gene: Sigh, it's not broken. Bob: So we're really going so fast. Gene: Yes, uhm Edwa how many engines did we add to this? Edwa: One main Jet-engine, one above it and two mini's under the wings. Gene: Oh that explains it. Jeb: Wheeee Gene: Try to turn it vertically. Jeb: What? Gene: Turn it like a rocket. Jeb: Oh Gene: Tell me when the counter reverses. Bob: Where vertical it's still going faster. Edwa: Successfully went faster than 250 meters per seconds for 25 seconds. Jeb: Did you pack any snacks. [bob quickly eats his snacks] Bob: Not anymore. Bob: The engines just cut out! Gene: Keep calm. Bob: We're spinning. Jeb: Wheee. Gene: Just wait until your low enough for the engines to reactivate them. Also try to keep your nose vertically centered downwards and your roll towards KSC. Jeb:: Trying. Bob: I told you we were going to get into a spin, but no we just had to leave the parachutes. Still spinning. We just flipped and again again again i'm going to get sick. Gene: You can start you're engines now. Jeb: Starting aaaaaand they're on! Gene: Okay good now just be careful not to pull the nose up too much, we don't want to miss KSC. Bob: We are going to fast. Gene: Keep her vertical. Bob: 400 meters per second. Gene: Wait Wait Turn 45 degrees. Jeb: Turning Bob: Three G's Jeb: Eh rockets have more. Edwa: 2000 meters. Gene: Little more. 50 degrees. Edwa: 640 meters. Gene: Keep her steady. Jeb: Where is the ground? Bob: What! Gene: Just a little ,go up. Edwa: Touchdown! [Wheels squeaking] Gene: Brakes on. Jeb: Brakes on. Bob: Aren't we supposed to be on the launchpad so that the contract is completed? Gene: Motors on. Jeb: Motors on. Gene: Now drive to the runway ,it's time to go home for me. Jeb: You think anyone's still in the control room? Bob: Probably not.
  5. Episode 5 Day: 28 Launchpad Gene: Hello Jeb, nice to see you today. We had to change from the "Pure SRB Rocket" because the government safety agency said that what happened last time was "unacceptable". Also liquid fuel is more controllable. Jeb: Okay launch. Edwa: Launched. Gene: What why did you launch? Edwa: Jeb said launch. Gene: I'm the one who says launch! Jeb: It's getting awfully cold up here. Gus: Oh yes we forgot to install the insulation in the pod. Jeb: Okay then. Gene: Gus you're not supposed to have access to the control room. Gus: I know. Gene: So how did you get in. Gus: I used the big front door. Jeb : What's the thermometer doing. Edwa: Oh fine, you should be freezing to death right now tough. Jeb : Oh good to know. Jeb: And how many snacks do i have? Gene: None, you're on a diet. Jeb: What? No i'm not. Gene: You are now. Edwa: Fairings separated Vacuum= true Gene: Okay Jeb time to get off that seat and go outside in the fresh lack of air. Jeb: Why is this suit so big. Gene: That's just because the unions employees are bigger. Jeb: Okay what do i do now? Gene: You run the experiment, write a crew report and look if there are any leaks in the suit. Jeb: Ran the experiment, forgot my pen in the cabin and i'm getting a bit woozy. Gene: You can get in the cabin now. Jeb: I'm in. Gene: Good, you only had 200 meters to the atmosphere. Jeb: Why is it getting so hot all of a sudden? Edwa: You're burning up in the atmosphere. Gene: You're going pretty fast. Edwa: 1120 meters per second. Jeb: Wow, it's pretty hot in here Edwa: 320 meters per second Gene: Is it safe to deploy the parachute. Edwa: Yes. Gene: Then deploy them. Edwa: Deployed.
  6. Episode 4 Edwa: Stage separated altitude: 71 milometers Gene: Ha first time in space, I imagined it with more experiments. Oh yes run everything. Edwa: Running: Barometer Thermometer Goo Gene: Okay fire the next stage we passed apoapsis already. Edwa: Stage separation in 3 2 Separation Edwa: Orbit is achieved in 5 4 3 2 1 Gene: Ha, we're in orbit. Edwa: Sir Gene: Yes? Edwa: It's still running. Gene: THEN TURN IT OFF! Edwa: Solid rocket booster? Gene: Oh then turn it around. Edwa: Turned. Edwa: It burned out. Gene: Okay so when do we bring it home? Edwa: We used the return stage to get it in orbit. Gene: Oh well then separate the heat shield. Gene: Now transmit all the data. Edwa: The experiments are on the fairing stage. Gene: Oh, then mission accomplished.
  7. Episode 4 (Part 1/2) Day 25:Afternoon, KSC. Gene: The Last few days we have been left behind in the space race. Five days ago the Union launched a probe in an orbit around Kerbin. Yesterday the Republic launched a probe into an elliptical orbit around Kerbin spanning from low to high orbit. Today with our limited budget we will launch a probe into low kerbin orbit, using solid rocket boosters. Gene: Preparations? Edwa: Telemetry:Fine Auxiliary boosters: 100% Lower stage booster: 100% Upper stage booster: 80% power. Deorbit booster: 100% Solar panels: Blocked by FairingPart Report says: ready to fire. Gene: Engines starting in 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Fire! Edwa: Stage one fired. Gene: Nothings happening? Edwa: Oh sorry, useless stage. Gene: Fire the engines. Edwa: Engines fired. - - - Updated - - - Episode 4 (Part 2/3) Edwa: Stage separation T-25 seconds Edwa: Stage separation T-10 seconds Edwa: Stage separated Edwa: Stage separation T-20 seconds Edwa: Stage separation T-10 seconds Stage separated.
  8. Meanwhile, in Gus's work space. (While he tinkers with the barometer) Gus: Why won't this thing work? Gus: Lets see -3 pascal, mm nonono. Radio: We report live from the Bekanur where there have been reports of the Union firing rocket propelled projectiles eastward. We do not need to remind you that Republic land lies east of the union. Gus: Okay let's try this again. 21879024 Radio: The president of the Republic will be making a statement in an hour. Meanwhile we interview one of the Bekanur residents. Gus: There this should work i think. Please enter Year/Day/Hour/Minute/Second. Radio: Hey there, young lady we'd like to talk to you. Other Voice: Hey you there, what are you doing. Radio: Well i'm trying to interview her. Voice: You are arrested. Radio: What, but but. (Cracking over radio) Radio: Well there you have it our fourth worker has gone M.I.A. As well as the guy who had to bring me my daily coffee. (Beeping interferes with the signal) Radio: Can someone just stop this bopping beeping. Sir. Yes? It seems to be Morse code. Then decode it. Gus: This is useless i'll just say the data is accurate. Radio: We return with the message of the Beeping. Ahem, orbit achieved 71 kilometers There seems to be a pause. Union has launched space based radio tower from Bekanur cosmodrome in orbit achieved 71 kilometers And from there it loops again.
  9. Episode two Day:20 Early Morning Erika, Europa , KSC, Runway Gene: Is the aircraft ready? Edwa: Wheels stable. Engine Oiled. Valentina on board. Gene: Valentina? Edwa: Yes, the new recruit. Gene: Okay, what about the other guy, Jeb Edwa: He's late and said that he has to drive here from Esta. Gene: When will he arrive? Edwa: Judging by how he still needs a drivers license ,maybe a day or two. Gene: So how's the flight. Edwa: The control tower doesn't want to give us permission to fly. Gene: How's that? Edwa: We don't have one. Gene: Oh. Gene: Again, the flight. Edwa: Oh, yes we're ready for flight. Gene: Starting call with the prototype. Radio-Gene: Valentina Report. Val: Sorry? R-Gene: Report. Val: I'm not getting any permission from the tower. Gene: That's not a problem right now, you can start the engines. Val: Starting. Edwa: 20 meters per second 30 40 50 We have liftoff Gene: Congratulations, Valentine Schmidt Kerman your the First kerbal to fly the first liquid fuel powered airplane in the programs history. Edwa: 100 meters altitude. Val : Okay so does this mean flight school paid off. Gene: Yes it did pa... Edwa: 50 meters 40 30 20 Edwa: Ground 30 meters 40 meters 3... Gene: ABORT!! Val: Uggg. Edwa: 5G Endured. Landed Gene: You okay Val? Val: Okay just had a meeting with my helmets visor. Gene: Okay then, Edwa call the recovery team.
  10. Episode :One The starter III equipped with three more boosters and probe cores to prolong its lifetime, also testing the new "drogue" chutes, small chutes that slow the craft down so that it doesn't burn in the atmosphere on the way down. It is also equipped with three barometers for research purposes. Gene: Probe telemetry? Edwa: Probe is A-OK Gene: Start the countdown. Edwa: Ten Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One Gene: LAUNCH!! Edwa: Side boosters running at 100 Gene: Telemetry? Edwa: Probe is still okay. Gene: Run test. Edwa: Barometer sir? Gene: Do we have any other? Edwa: Yes, good point sir. One million pascals sir. Gene: That can't be right, well the scientists will have to find that out if we get the full data on recovery. Edwa: Side boosters out, starting stage two main booster. Boosters at 40% strength. Gene: Altitude Edwa: 20 kilometers, upper atmosphere. Gene: Telemetry? Edwa: Running at 100%. Gene: Run Test. Edwa: -3 Pascal Gene: Wait that's possible? We might need to return them. Edwa: Sir. Gene: Yes? Edwa: The Return date was twenty days before we bought it and it became void when it came out of the factory and touched "air". Gene: Oh, well we will have to live with them I guess. Edwa: Main booster empty, angle at 15 degrees. Reached apoapsis sir. Gene: What Altitude? Edwa 30 kilometers, Upper atmosphere. Gene: Chute risk? Edwa: Risky. Gene: Now? Edwa: Safe Gene: DEPLOY. Edwa: I'd like it if you don't scream into my ear. Drogue chutes deployed. Gene: Sorry. Gene: Altitude? Edwa: 3 kilometers Gene: Deploy Main chutes. Edwa: Deployed. Edwa: Landed Gene: Probe Telemetry. Edwa: No response: Battery dead. Gene: Okay Lets send a recovery team.
  11. Try anything under 70 if you don't slow down enough the first time you'll come back and try again and again and so on.
  12. my last idea was bad and i have been trying to edit this page 5 times now so i will be saving alot. Settings: Mods: My In-Game flights already: The "Starter One" Landed with minimal Damage The "Starter Two" Crashed and earned science.
  13. Ill just take the much needed variety in bombs thank you Great mod:cool:
  14. I could even make the rules and send them to you to modify?
  15. Yes, a mod ti install faction privileges also to make those factions. Lets say a person named Alfred wanted to play BDarmory with his friend Bob on a hand a save to the next person game). Now Bob doesn't want Alfred seeing his Units and Alfred doesn't want to have his seen either. So could maybe anyone make a mod for a faction system And if you want me to ask too much integrate it with Kerbside and have the ability to see those units on the map if you have a spy satellite or went to it with your own ship?
  16. Is there an HD map of where the bases are?
  17. oh oh oh i'd just love to join, but the video quality will probably be a little crappy since i don't have a screen capture device, oh and are we using BDarmory i am guessing yes. Any other mods or will they be still pondered about. Edit: oh and i could make/maintain the map if you tell me what Kerbinside packs we are using.
  18. UnknownOrbit


    Hi ime new and all that stuff, however i have been playing KSP for over a year and only new to the forum. I do like planes in KSP but i am having problems with the gravity burn since 1.0. Everytime i try my rocket flips over. Thank you.
  19. Ohh i wanna try writing a mission. Hi this is the Kerbin research company and we want you to send a probe to Duna for every experiment done youl be rewarded. Mission requirements:Get unmanned probe to Duna,Take atmosphere samples,Take gravitation samples,Take tempareture samples.(reward 2.000.000$) Bonus :Build a two stage lander,Take surfurs sample,return to Kerbin. (reward 1.500.000$) This might look crappy but i enjoyed writing:D
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