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Everything posted by Scripto23

  1. I look forward to those videos, sounds interesting. 30% reduction in payload is almost exactly what SpaceX quotes too so that lines up well. I think a big issue that me, and it seems others, are having is the return of the second stage. A lot of the issue stems from the fact that SpaceX hasn't really published any concrete plans for this since it is farther down the line in their plans. Whereas the first stage return is not only all planned out, but imminent in about a month like you mentioned.
  2. They burn up with the heatshield? I may not have fixed maxtemp for that that version on dropbox then. I'll upload an updated one now. It'll also have the RT code in it. I'm also having trouble landing that stage after atmospheric reentry. I've had to employ a small drogue shoot to flip the stage around so the engine can face the right way for the retrograde landing burn. Without that it's just too aerodynamically stable to flip by other means.
  3. Oh I didn't think of that, good idea since I don't use RT. Could you copy and paste the code you put in and I'll add it add it in to the necessary parts? Thanks!
  4. Yeah it can get confusing. I updated my sig to hopefully help clear up some issues when installing the rescale config for the SpaceX rockets
  5. Right. If you've go the newest version you can see a config in that folder named SolarPanels_NFPP
  6. I believe the newest release of Realism Overhaul has support for 4 of the NFPP solar panels, but no support for any other parts yet.
  7. Yeah that is asmi's one. Do you have Nathan's RF config for it (from the second post in the Realism Overhaul thread)?
  8. Agathorn, I think I know what happened. Are you not using ECLSS? I added in support for that so the Dragon will carry Oxygen and room for CO2. If you don't want to use life support I can post some code for you paste in to the cfg if you want.
  9. Agathorn, thanks I'll take a look at what happened there. Maybe I can't math. As for the SuperDracos, did you grab the updated files Laz posted? If so, they use the new ModuleEnginesFX which is why I was asking about them and it appears RF won't work for them (yet).
  10. Agathorn, I have no idea why that works either. Seems to defy logic, but hey, if it works it works. HoneyFox, I'm pretty sure there are indeed two engines in each nacelle (at least there's two exhaust plumes) but one lock gimbal button should maybe be used to control both since I can't think of scenario where you'd only want to disable half the nacelle. Also I agree with you about the RCS on the Dragon. With Realism Overhaul the overpowered reaction wheels are disabled so the capsule is relying solely on RCS. Not sure if the real Dragon RCS has roll control, I would assume it does, but Laz seems to have pretty accurately modeled the thrusters and placement compared to the real thing so I'm not sure. And Laz, the new FX on the SuperDracos look awesome btw
  11. I always appreciate in depth updates. Thanks for the hard work! I think tutorial videos are a good idea too
  12. Does anyone know how to use RealFuels to correctly modify an engine using ModuleEnginesFX? I tried to use it the traditional way on an engine (in the same manner as I would for ModuleEngines and ModuleEngineConfigs) but nothing was visible when I selected an engine in the action groups.
  13. Ok I think I know what you're saying. The issue you're having is you have a FASA config and you have the RftS config, and both are modifying the same set of parts from the original FASA mod and this is causing conflicts. Is that correct? I use the RealEngines config with FASA which is why I might not be experiencing the same thing you are.
  14. One issue with the video is it is showing a Falcon 9 (not a Falcon 9v1.1) and is slightly outdated. Though it is still the best, and maybe only, information to go on when it comes to the reusability portion of the Falcon rockets. I'll have to take a look at the KOSMOS pack. For the SuperDracos, I was having the same problem. The only downside of removing the nodes I guess. I'll try out what Laz said, but if you're not already, you should also use RCS build aid when you place those as it will tell you if there will be any rotational forces without having to find out in flight.
  15. I think some of your difficulty is from not using Stretchy tanks. They're like procedural tanks you can make to any size.
  16. There's Nathan's FASA config (also can be found on the second post in this thread). Is that what you meant?
  17. Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/nz9d1w9k7ov0tp4/landeTLS_ADD_ECLSS_2_all_Commandpods.cfg
  18. Wait, wait when was the need for ullage in microgravity implemented? I haven't seemed to need it, unless I just haven't noticed.
  19. I believe it can go anywhere, but I put mine in the ECLSS folder.
  20. Laz, thanks for addressing so many issues and so quickly! I'm going to give things a test today and implement some more changes in my config then update it later on. HoneyFox, for those small aux engines, are you referring to the white SuperDraco engines that attach to the Dragon, or the spherical looking "SuperDraco single engines"? If it's the latter, that was a part I added based on what I saw in and just used the solid fuel "separation engine" model, so they weren't in the original mod. I wasn't aware they don't have gimbal animations so I can use a different model in its place, maybe a greatly scaled down Merlin 1D?
  21. tygoo7, I actually had a config that rescaled that habitat pack, but deleted it when I removed the mod. It's super easy to do though so I can remake it and post it here later today. Just need to change the rescale factor and increase the mass. MAKC, you can find the download link for the Realism Overhaul config for the SpaceX pack in my sig. Eventually it will be included in the Realism Overhaul pack too. Though I'll be updating it later today to fix some issues, so keep a lookout for that.
  22. If you're using ECLSS is the real solar system make sure you grab NathanKell's config for it (also can be found in the second post of the Realism Overhaul thread).
  23. The nodes on the side of the Dragon capsule where the SuperDracos and ladder/parachute attach (seen here).
  24. My latest update to the Rescale config (now linked to in my sig) adds in ferram's code for both versions of the solar panel covers. He mentioned that it was the horizontal nodes causing the issue, which FAR sees as cylinders sticking out the side of the rocket, obviously very bad for aerodynamics and control. I wonder if maybe the nodes on the Dragon capsule, which are similar to that of the solar panels', might be causing a problem as well. I'll need to do more testing today. Also I would second Agathorn's request for the optional engine bottom part with the 9 connect points. Edit: Just tested a rocket with nodes on the Dragon and a rocket with nodes removed from the Dragon. They are definitely causing issues in the same manner that the solar panel covers nodes were. I'll message ferram and see if he knows of a fix. If not, I'm just going to remove them from my config.
  25. Another bug report. The Falcon Separation Engine has a thrust vector that is slightly angled leading to off center thrust. Not a big deal if you're using it as a separation engine, but if you use it as mini booster for small rockets it causes problems.
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