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    Curious George
  1. Tip for anyone on OSX just getting started installing CKAN, here are the issues that I ran into that you may be able to avoid: OSX Version: 10.10.5 Hardware: Mid 2014 15" Retina w/ 2.5GHz i7 and 16 GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2GB GFX Card KSP Version: 1.0.4, with 64 bit Unity installation Without going into too much detail (unless requested by a dev, but I think they're aware of these issues), the linked release of Mono in the OSX install guide will NOT work (MonoFramework-MDK-3.12.1.macos10.xamarin.x86, or verson 3.12.1.) You must instead download and install version 3.10.1 (http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/27011/fix-for-gdipcreatefromcontext-macosx-and-other-macios-gdi-issues <--- Link in there, thanks Chris Hamons and whoever asked the question in the first place!) After installing 3.10.1, you can use the command lines listed in the install guide without an issue EXCEPT: when you open CKAN and try to find your KSP install, it won't be visible in your Applications folder. Simply copy the folder to Documents (have to actually copy the folder, an alias won't work) and use that as your new location for KSP. Then you'll be able to navigate to it through CKAN. Also note that Homebrew seems to run into an error installing CKAN, and I've tried just about every workaround I could find and it doesn't seem to help. This may be specific to my machine and my settings, but in any case, the Mono install option listed above should work just fine. There may be a better workaround for CKAN searching for your KSP install that allows you to leave KSP in your applications folder, but I'm done Googling and just want to play some KSP, so I'm leaving the information here. Thanks!
  2. Commenting here as well: While I've had a blast battling BD AI's, I'd love to do some actual battle. I watched a bunch of the Kollaberative Warfare vids today at work, and it looks super fun. Let's do it.
  3. Hi guys, I'm relatively new, and I'm working on my rover construction. I like to build the rover in the SPH, because symmetry is keen, but then I can't load up the ship in the VAB to put it on a launch vehicle. Can someone help me not be stupid anymore? Thanks!
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