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Everything posted by Sekonda

  1. I can not get this to load, just crashes on load. Not sure what mods to remove, probably a memory issue but I have 8GB which is irrelevant since the game can't use more than 3.6GB before crashing anyway given its 32bit limitation but with my other mods I dunno what's killin git. What about texture replacer? Any known mods that are problematic?
  2. Could anyone direct me towards a step-by-step for dummies? I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with this Mod, I'm trying to install my Universe Replacer textures and I just don't know what the hell I'm doing.
  3. So I remember I had a recent multi-mod pack install a mod I do not know the name of, it allowed me to have multiple symmetry builds way past 7 and upwards of 30 and also included a vertical snap feature. Can you identify this for me? Nevermind; it's called Editor Extensions in-case I peeked anyone else's interest.
  4. I appear to be having issues trying to mine any resources; used Hyperedit to test a few theories and planets but it defensively is no longer filling tanks. Anyone have an unofficial solution whilst we wait for Majir?
  5. I was disappointed to see this was the case with being able to blindly throw yourself at planets. However, with mods like SCANSAT, you can completely map, and you can end probes with gravity sensors and atmosphere detectors to return data and also practice landing with unmanned probes, rovers and landers before people are sent. You could also fly blind and dump your kerbals there in a crude fashion but its more down to the player and, I use the term lightly, a sense of role-play and respect for the... Structure, of the game. I, myself, have at least four probes to place, if you use remote tech you also have to set up comms networks. I think that, in some respects, mods will be give way more support and Squad will let the modding community craft the finer points of the game so everyone can have their own personal play style and game to play.
  6. I can't seem to get this in my career mode tree but it's appearing fine in sandbox, anybody who has it working could give me their config? Scratch that; http://puu.sh/4SxDr.png it's way at the end and I haven't gotten there yet.
  7. I am experiencing difficulty with interacting with items mounted on Kerbal's. I've taken a pack to install solar panels on a space station but I cannot interact with the pack once it's on the kerbal's back, I can only enter a structure and it will drop off and then I may interact with it but then, I still cannot interact with an item once it's in my Kerbal's possession.
  8. I don't believe it to be compatible with the new update so keep an eye on the first post for build 5.
  9. Ah I see, did the above instructions (thank you to the sharer and the creator) for the custom module and found them at the end of heavy rocketry in career mode.
  10. Am I missing something with career integration? In Career mode I don't see any of these parts at all.
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