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Everything posted by O-Doc

  1. A 55T craft should use 5 turbos, 2 basics and 3 nervas. Edit: I get a 20T payload capacity from this setup with a 54T plane.
  2. I've made a few "jet cycles", the trick to the handling issues is to keep the air intake right at the back so that drag is a centering force. I've found radial intakes + reaction wheels = success.
  3. I understand your intention. I also understand your motivation, not just the one's you've expressed(I'm a software engineer by trade). I'm just going to point out that you don't solve the issue of trust, you've just moved it to a small group of self appointed individuals who will be able to exercise more power and control in the community than your average member. What could possibly go wrong? More importantly, you've given KSP gamers the false option of being less personally responsible for their own computer security. I'm not against your initiative, you should move forward with whatever development path you want, it's your free time. I'm only going to have serious issues if it becomes policy for Squad to have non-employees gate keeping the community development experience in an official capacity.
  4. Introducing politics into the KSP mod community. Well played. And do tell, who will be the gatekeepers of this cabal? What about all the noobs out there who are learning to code? I think you need to re-read asmi's first post. I know the source code for any mods I may, or may not, create for KSP will definitely not be going into the hands of a third party. Cheers.
  5. I have too many to post. But, here's the Armadillo, the flagship of the Kerbolian Armada. It's a command and control vessel with a whole bunch of accessories including both a light and heavy battlesuit.
  6. I literally threw together your design in 5mins. Didn't even check CoM, CoL or CoT. It went into space after four attempts. I made orbit after another two. I can tell you that your lack of pitch authority is due to the elevons being too close to the CoT. A canard would fix that issue.
  7. If you use air hogging then sure, start a very slow gravity turn at 15km and aim to level out around 35km. But I was talking about a non-air hogging design with one ram and one-two radial intakes per jet engine(no Sabres). You need to level out by 18km and speed up to around 1.5km/s at 20km before falling back down to 15km for your big exit maneuver. With two radial intakes/jet and a big rocket you can use a air hogging style trajectory. But, for example, my best "non-cheat" design has two jets and one nuke on the back with two rams and two radials and gets into orbit with probably enough deltaV to get a Duna insertion. Though, I haven't had the time to make a serious effort(i have about 40 space planes and dropships in my hanger that compete for my attention). It does get LKO with well over half fuel(nearly two thirds weight). Using a flat ascend I can only get into orbit with enough fuel for a station docking to splash and dash.
  8. Nice looking bird! You should have plenty of thrust to get into orbit. Do a dipper to get enough altitude for an orbital burn. If you don't do this then here's some simple steps/instructions. You need to get to the altitude where your jets are just about to cut out. Then, max out the speed on jets alone. Next, fire up your rocket/s until your acceleration eases off. Fly level, this will start to pull you down. Sink down about 5km so you have enough air to point back up to 45 degrees. As you climb pull back on the throttle as you run out of air. If your apogee is over 40km by the time your thrust is less than full rockets then, you should be good to switch over to rockets only for your climb into orbit. My non air-hogging SSTOs have similar thrust and air intake balancing as your plane and easily get into orbit with about half fuel left for Mun and Minmus transfers. Your other problem would be due to the underside of your craft having more drag than the top. As lift(from your wings) decrease at higher altitudes, drag becomes the dominant issue. Solutions? Moar reaction wheels is always fun, especially for dropships. But, I'd recommend some radial intakes at the top rear to balance the drag(and give you moar air). Win, win.
  9. I think Lamnand is about to throw up! He's turning green. O-Dock Industries catalog coming soon.
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