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Everything posted by RageCookie

  1. Hi is there a way to get the Launch Pads to work in Orbit ? Tried to built an Orbital Construction site but seems like the build menue doesnt work unless touched down. Another thing is , is seems like for some reason the launch pad doesnt care if there are ressources availlible, I can built anything full filled up etc. on my Mun base. Awesome mod by the way.
  2. Yeah, the game is in a pre Alpha state for which they charge 18 Bucks. A bit of pushing and complaining is not really missplaced. Again, funny phenomenon...in no industry customers have so much tolerance for failure as in the electronics arts business. As much as i like KSP, for my taste 18 bucks is overpriced. Minecraft as an other Indie example, is about 27 bucks in its current state. In the alpha it was free and in late beta is was about 8 Dollars and not to flame too much but Notch and Co updated way more often then Squad. But just my opinion. I bought KSP when it was way cheaper and I recommeded it then to two of my friends. As of it got really expensive for an alpha I wont recomend it again unless the game progresses much better. I have every respect for Squad and Nova and all the other people working on this but the developement has to speed up if they want to justify the high price. The game is missing key aspects as docking ( which was by the way anounced about 3 updates ago or something), proper mission planing (simulations ) and a lot of tweaks about the physical parameters. Just my opinion. I am open for flame now.
  3. I really would like to see an improvement of our ''stock'' navigational systems except one Gyrocompass. I dont like using mods because it is anoying to keep them up to date. A game which by great parts lives from its modding community should also have some kind of mod manager which keeps everything EASY up to date and sorted out. Thats something I really would like to see ( not necessarily in 0.18 but in general). More realistic athmospheric friction and heat is something I also would really like . I also really really would like that they try to improve their gravitation and orbital mechanics. I run some numbers and crunched some formulas and I m really not happy with the gravitational influx of some bodies but thats just a minor thing. Higher warp settings and a better interface for the VAB and the SPH would be something really fancy. But a really important thing: GIVE US SIMULATIONS ! Oh my god. You always have to try your new desgins for interplanetary missions and that takes TIME a lot of time and gets really frustrating at times when u reach your target and dont have enough fuel to deorbit,land or what ever. Everything elese is really something i can wait for but mission planers or simulators for specific missions or enviroments are something i cant wait for. It s just anyoing.
  4. Hi fellow rocketeers, Anyone elese having issues with space junk and a good solution to it ? I now really understand the issues we have in the real world with old rocketparts and junk. I actually had to warp time to get a safe launch window today when i put a new reactor on my moon base. I tried to built a kind of collision based junk destroyer but it s sometimes quite hard to hit the smaller parts which actually make the bigger part of the junk My Kerbal Space Station actually was hit by a junk piece and lost a solar pannel... So anyone has a good idea to get the crap out of orbit ?
  5. Mission Report Kepollo I - We went to the mun but didnt make it back! Today Kepollo I launched to set foot on the mun and made it! After 4 days Kepollo I entered a stable orbit arround the Mun. When starting the touchdown sequence Kepollo I reported to Kerbel Control that the mechanics installed the wrong engine and they probably wont make it down safely. But the through the masterpiece of flying and navigating of Captain Jeb, Kepollo I touched down sucessfull and reported touchdown in the Sea of Kobility at T - 4:31 Missionen Time. and here from top view: After taking tons of stone and the very rare Element Kobolium - 3 , Kebollo I reported return sequence initated and succesfull launch at T- 4:42 Mission Time Kepollo I entered the return vector and made itself ready to return as heros. As the first Kerbals who had set foot on a extrakerbestrial objekt. The words: Holy Crap this place is dusty (spoken by Cpt Jeb by hopping down the last steps of the ladder ) will be some of the most remebered words in kerberlian history. But then the unbelivable thing happend. Cpt Jeb fell asleep during reapproach of Kerbal and instead of decelerating, Jeb caused a slingshoot maneuver and without enough fuel left to reenter a return vector Kepollo I reported mission and lifesupport failed at T- 6:15 Mission Time. After investigating what happend...CSI Kerbal Beach found out, that Cpt Jeb wasnt Cpt Jeb but his evil twin Job. Cpt. Jeb was found hangover at Kerbal Beach celebrating spring break. The real Captain Jeb said to quote the Daily Kerbal: We will got to the Mun again...and this time we will come back! For real! The next launch to the Mun is planed for next week with the spaceship Kepollo II and will hopefully come back this time!
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