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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeap I do, did all you asked at start, load stock tree. Close game put tree.cfg start game. Image cut out the full name of TreeLoader folder FYI tree cfg http://www.sendspace.com/file/tphe2v
  2. Unlocked all the nodes that didn't have connection to my previous unlocks. Here you have the persistents file http://www.sendspace.com/file/2yn3zz I myself will wait for new veresion. Also I think the issues are mostly related to VetTech as it also modifies some of the stuff in game.
  3. Well I cheated my file to check out the whole tree. About dozen or more of my noodes seem to not to be connected to anything and can be researched instantly such as 4k battery. Its probably related to some mods missing. As for grind, you have to work it out somehow. Grinding may be fun, but I don't think even kerbals are so whacko/dumb to send a kerbanaut around their globe to pick up samples. Your example of 7-10 command pods rover thing is what I said, you made the game to be played in *1 style*. I for example made a capsule with SRB and girders everywhere hoping to survive landing. I could crash land on earth, but water instantly killed me. Basically FAR requires rocket to look like rockets, or it will be a flying pancake of doom. So well you need to work out the starter pack or first node, to contain at least a parachute. Prices also seemed well whacky. For example I've seen that some of first upgrades are 25-50 science for 1 part or two. While later in the tree, for example you could get few engines and fuels for 60-100 points. To much disparity in my opinion. First parts should be cheaper, later parts should be more expensive. Mechjeb, well I've seen that mechjeb is almost at endgame requiring nice sum of points. I don't think anyone will like this tree if they can't get mechjeb soon. Mechjeb already have some limitations in stock version where you need additional stability upgrades to unlock new functions. If you really want kerbals to start with no rockets, then at least allow a creation of some simple rover. That would require some crappy wheel and one solar pannel or at least weakest battery in the logic department. For example when I unlocked second logic node, just to get the Info part (that allow to print info for other users or some other useless things for me) I've felt like someone slapped me in the face. It costed me 50 points just to move in the node. So first nodes should be cheaper or at least have some stuff that actually matter and allow to progress. For that you have to take into account that most users wont have ALL the recommended mods. So I would say you have to work it out somehow, that players can with medium difficulty get to minmus/mun even as one way trip and farm some science points to move their research into future projects. That would probably require some well placed decoupler,even the crappiest solar panel, antena, rover parts so they can drive around mun farming science points. Then after they get enough they can send rescue mission to get jebediah back. You have to remember that most players only play with Jeb or 3crewed ship at most, flying usually 1 mission at a time. Requiring 7-10 kerbals or few crews, for example sending dozens of mun landing one way ticket missions on all of mun diomes, and then getting them all back safe and sound after getting sience, may not really be well received by some. To sum it up, tree is well thought more or less, with few blank spots here and there or issues with open trees because of no nodes (based on mods you have), but it still requires to cater to wider audience. KSP is a pretty casual game, best way would be to do 2 configs if you want to have the hardcore and normal version. Hardcore version could have engineers working out some machines of doom, while normal version would have players having a harder grind than vanilla, but not as hard as it is now where it basically becomes a korean mmorpg style farming for every science point up to the last 0.1.
  4. Would be nice to have some randomness in KSP as long as it wouldn't destroy whole flight without any way to fix it.
  5. Must have for casual players like me, gave it to few friends that had issues with getting to orbit first ^^.
  6. Installed it some time ago but didn't get to really use any of the new stuff as I started new campaign. But looks really great and gets upgraded quite often. Keep up the good work.
  7. Idea and mod is really nice. But after spending few hours. Playing it (about 3-4) I can see its highly personalized. Starting grind is just to long and hard. If you don't follow one *true* path you won't make it. For example I myself bought the solid booster then a normal rocket, was trying to do all the stuff to get science, from running to watter to trying to crash land. Well more or less I did earn some science but still It would require for me to level up the logistic that are pretty much useless, then open up parachutes. So before you get to chutes you need ~200+ science which is just bad. So I modified my config and gave myself a chuute at solid booster node. Grinded the logistic, then bought the chuute node (just for the sake of unlocking it as it would be normally). Then I went for thermometer thinking I would earn some more science points faster. Then I got one battery so my rockets wouldn't fly around heedlessly with FAR. Bought the winglets. And now I was thinking about buying the radio so I could somehow work it out and send the mission to minmus, basically one way ticket for some science points. But well I still need like 20+/- science, and I did all research I could. All that is probably left for me is north pole. I got all the high/low orbit grassland/dessert/watter sample and eva stuff. So basically I have no radio antena, basic engine, basic booster, smallest fueltank, and the only way for me to get some science points now is, either flying around like a headless chicken around Kerbin for hours grinding some low amounts of science points. Or make some kind of whacko rocket that will take me to mun/minmus with the basic crap without having even one decoupler. So well my opinion about the mod. Looks nice, but the beginning is just to hardcore/boring for most people. I'm not an engineer or someone that wants to spend hours running around gathering stuff on kerbin every nock and cranny just so I can fly somewhere. You can get to orbit rockets with this mod but then its get a litttle bit to grindy. You should work around the parachute/decoupler/engine+fuel nodes, and also work around the starting science points. This mod may be nice for people to do some chalenges, but I'm sure that most won't like the grind and will just leave it. Default KSP is easy at begging to easy, but this mod is just to hard, and frankly if you don't follow one true path at beginnig with spreadsheet of nodes you will get stuck. So yeah IMO it still needs some work, dunno about further trees as they should be easier once you can get out of kerbin SOI but at start its just to hard/boring for most of KSP community, or thats what I think.
  8. Well tried this mod, but frankly its unplayable. Spend about 2 hours trying to grind to parachute and just gave up. Running to water took 15 minutes. Then trying to make rockets that will survive. Well water land insta death, then did some crappy capsule with reinforcements that could survive landing on ground. Trying to fly anywhere with FAR installed is a pain in the butt. Rockets fly all over the place when you try to steer in lower atmoshpere. Frankly its not worth the time unless someone want to run around for hours with Jebediah to get enough resources for first parachute so that you can actually fly higher and survive the coming back. I might give it a try but I will edit some parachute into the starting noode, otherwise its just one big waste of time period. Nice idea, but remember not everyone is like you not everyone want to run around for 3 hours just to collect samples, rinse repeat dozens of times.
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