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  1. I just found a solution on the KSP Reddit page This enables Kerbal Experience in Science Mode, and if you upgrade all the buildings and unlock all the science, well then you have Kerbal Experience in Sandbox Mode too. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/34e4md/request_enable_missions_in_sandbox_and_science/cquh194 A big thank you to HarvesteR for this information, and I hope they add it to the stock game as an option too.
  2. The moment you enter the VAB/SPA they get all 5 stars. I would like to play Sandbox or Science while having to train my Kerbals too Any mods that allow this???
  3. You just need to do a quick config change to your mod for CKan to be able to pick it up from KerbalStuff 30 Sec Guide https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN#30-seconds-guide-for-kerbalstuff
  4. I did some tests and have come up with the following data. Tests: 3 ships launched twice each with fraps capturing 60 seconds for the flight with no user input. Total of 12 data points taken, 6 data points per RAM setting test. RAM settings used during the 1600mhz @ 9-9-9 2400mhz @ 11-13-13 Results (FPS): RAM , Avg - , Min - , Max 1600, 31.43 , 19.83 , 45.17 2400, 32.88 , 23.33 , 49.00 Diff, 01.45 , 03.50 , 03.83 Diff, 04.61%, 17.64%, 08.49% So it looks like the result is KSP benefits more from faster RAM than Latency.
  5. Thanks Murph, I'll just keep playing with KSP and RAM and see what happens. I have been running 2400mhz for a few weeks and had no issues, but I have not built anything huge that could stress the system yet.
  6. I am overclocking my system and I have just come to the RAM. I can run my RAM at: 1333mhz @ CL9-9-9 (Stock) 1866mhz @ CL9-11-9 (Built in OC profile #1) 2400mhz @ CL11-11-11 (Current) I have not started tightening the timings but I wanted to know what is best for KSP. Higher speed or lower latency in the RAM? RAM is KHX18C9T2K2_8X Thanks Peter
  7. If you want some RCS for large ships but don't want to use the large RCS or have small radial tanks bolted to the side, then place them inside of a large separator. (The large separator is the only one deep enough to hold the tanks) When you stage they will fall away with the tank below. This is perfect for having RCS on a ship with a Mk1-2 Command Pod. I sit the RCS directly below the command pod and it drops away during re-entry with the engine and fuel tank. NOTE: They will only sit in one direction (Legs pointing down)
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