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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Scott Manely did that with his infinite fuel mun challenge thingy , in that case it's not newby
  2. Not that extreme, but when would you ever build a lander like this otherwise
  3. I've seen somebody get a contract for launch clamps on escape trajectory out of kerbin
  4. My rockets launch stages often can get into interstellar space I bring WAY too much fuel XD
  5. Just a screenshot, but still beautiful Also this And some screenshot editing
  6. kerbal jail! Kerbal abuse! (the kerbal was knocked out of his seat and is now considered debris) Observe the speed So close, but yet so far...
  7. The fuel is supposed to be at the station, not all over the ground! time to launch my sta-*reverts* note: this is supposed to be a station with the interstellar science lab and a default KSP science lab also, docking with minmus like a boss what was this again? oh yeah, a giant rover after applying boostahs Logic. Hmm... improper use of blimp, unless you're Jeb Para Debri! sorry for all of the pics, but i had a lot
  8. 694. getting science from monoliths gives you like 9001 science, and warp drives and stuff 695. automatic ksp video generator 696. make ksp 2D 697. ability to jump on kerbals to save princesses 698. add micropachycephalosauruses (its my favorite dinosaur, how come you haven't heard of it?) 699. have kerbals randomly get bored and crash the rockets 901. screw certain numbers 902. experience levels to improve ease of control of your rocket
  9. how did enterelysium do this? obsereve the gilly encounter
  10. i think this rover may be able to land on every planet in the game, so far i have landed on the mun, eve, duna, and laythe and the laythe landing proves that it has the DeltaV to get into the sphere of influence of the others. also, say hi to kerball, tylo, laythe, my ship, and jool
  11. after this same incident on duna, i probably should have redesigned, but for now QUICKSAVE! ACTIVATE!
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