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Everything posted by rabid_sloth

  1. Thank You!! You\'re the Best!! I can keep trying for a Mun landing!!
  2. Well, thank you all for the help... but the problem persists. I\'ve been playing since August, so I know how staging is supposed to work and how it used to work. But at this point, every ship that goes to the launch pad turns into a dice roll on how the staging works. Or not works, to be precise. I build a rocket and the first time its on the pad, the first stage launch ejects the SRB\'s. Bah! Back to the VAB and the icons show the SRB decouplers in their own separate stage ABOVE the lowest stage; which means the decouplers will fire when the lowermost stage is finished. At least that\'s the way it used to work and that\'s the way it does on the 2nd attempt (sometimes. Not always.) Randomly, it will work okay- I spend 15 minutes flying and then I screw up the moon orbit or something so I try again. Same ship, just hit relaunch, but now we\'re back to the dropped SRB\'s again. or the 3rd stage separates instead of dropping the empty tanks. Its maddening. I really do enjoy this game and it\'s a testament to it\'s appeal that I\'ve been playing it over and over again, despite the fact that it\'s pissed me off so much. I don\'t know if this is a problem just on the Mac or if it\'s not that big a deal to anybody else, but it ruins the game for me. I\'ve spent 4 hours playing tonight and I got two flights to orbit; the rest of the time was spent fixing staging problems. I really wish I could download 13.1 or even 12.x. for OSX, but since that\'s not showing up. I guess I\'ll wait for 14 and keep my fingers crossed. See you guys in March, hopefully.
  3. Can someone explain to me like I'm five.... how does staging work in this game? I've searched the forums, the wiki and google and I still don\'t get it. I\'ve experiemented but all I come up with is sometimes the staging works one way and sometimes another. When I\'m building rockets, I\'m trying to set up the staging with the icons on the right hand side of the screen. On a single stage, for example with 2 pieces, a motor and a decoupler: If the rocket motor icon is above the Decoupler icon BUT THEY ARE BOTH IN THE SAME STAGE which one will be engaged first, the motor or the decoupler? Or is there a specific system that I haven\'t learned for staging? I.E. decuplers need their own specific stage. Staging and icon explanation has been very brief in all the youtube tutorials. I can\'t find anything that goes into detail on the icon placement and its respective functionality when launching multpile stages. All the fun has gone out of this game for me. I fly a rocket and I go back to tweak the design and next time I launch, staging is completely different than the previous flight. Typically, at launch the SRB\'s drop off and explode. or I get halfway to orbit and go to launch the 2nd stage and instead of starting the motor all the fuel gets dumped. What am I doing wrong??
  4. Hi folks, my name is Sloth and I'm a Kerbaholic. Like so many others, my day was going along fine until a random Reddit search put me on the path to orbital destruction. Now I spend my nights with bleary eyes and slide rule, trying to figure out a way back to the launch pad from whence I came. ok, the slide rule is a lie. I have one and know how to use it, but rarely bother because I have yet to achieve my first orbit. After trying a few times with the stock parts, I loaded up all the mods I could find, but felt it was too easy and took away from the spirit of the original space race: achieving success with limited means. anyway, I love this game and hope to contribute in some way, but I suck at math, so we\'ll see. I can write and transcribe... anything I can do in the way of documentation? RS
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