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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Well, I was reading the MM thread when I saw that you posted the fix. Guess I learn how to create the patches anyway. Thank you or the fix and or the information
  2. That is a good idea, but the truth is I have no idea on how to do that. My knowledge is pretty basic on how the .CFG files work, and I have no experience programming. Do you know where I could get some information on how to carry out your solution? Also, I do not know whether is there a problem with modifying a mod made by someone else.
  3. I think I have a way to make the parts work in RSS. What I found is that the engines use resources from an old version of real fuels, so if you update these in the .CFG files, they should load. Specifically, in the part.cfg files in the BNTR and rs68b folders you must replace: LqdHydrogen instead of LiquidH2 LqdOxygen instead of LiquidOxygen U235Rods instead of nuclearFuel DepU235Rods instead of nuclearWaste Make sure you replace ALL off these. I can make no guarantees that this will solve the issue, but has worked in my case. Hope it helps
  4. My first successful RSS launcher, called Vex-1a in honor of the first prototype of an Argentinian satellite launcher. Capable of lifting 5t to LEO using a combination of LOX-Kerosene engines: RD-191 in the first stage and RD-0124 in the upper stage. Hopefully, the first member of a new family of launchers, the Tronador series. I hate you, RSS! Now stock KSP is just too small!
  5. I just saw the movie and still am awestruck. Despite some errors in the physics and the orbital mechanics, I loved the story, the characters, the acting, the visuals, the music, everything. Whether you like science fiction or cinematography in general, Interstellar is really recommendable. A must see.
  6. It works! Bob Kerman successfully lands the Grasshopper I VTOL-SSTO for the first time, marking the begging of the development of a complete family of this type of vessels! The ultimate goal: landing on Laythe!
  7. I would like to thank you for the HX fuselage. Now I can build the ships a la 2001: a space odyssey I always wanted !!
  8. An idea that came to my mind regarding this issue (always considering that we are talking about a game) is that Laythe is still experiencing volcanic activity due to the constant gravitational strain it suffers from Jool and the other moons. Also, being so close to Jool, the planet's magnetosphere prevents the solar (Kerbolar?) wind from taking away the gases constantly emitted by the volcanoes in the surface. Tylo, on the other hand, has cooled down a long time ago, and lost its atmosphere over the years without protection from Jool's magnetosphere and its own lack of a magnetosphere, caused by its low rotational speed.
  9. Seems like Jeb is really happy to be the first Kerbal on the Mun (For, like, the forth time)
  10. Trying to spot the ISS in the night sky is one of my favourite hobbies! Only using the family's camera and an old tripod i could get some nice long-exposition pictures:
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