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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Try watching the video and work your way up the list you just created, and maybe you could fill up the gaps
  2. I believe you are talking about the beginning(well the end because it is reversed), that I believe is just a bunch of panic, in the middle of the audio file is smooth and not much background music
  3. Okay, well ill try to tone it down a bit with audacity
  4. Stranded on Duna, totally not a sabotauged flight by the members of Kerbal Space Program to get rid of that crazy kerbal
  5. It makes the game more interesting though Glitches and Krakens, its what makes Danny grow
  6. So if you speak spanish, I have a reversed mp3 file of Jebs Junkyard. My challenge for you is to translate it to give us a clue of what the heck is going on This will be a bit tricky because it is reversed, so you will have to start making the script from the back of the video, if you choose to do this. So, here's the file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0dw0odme2hyk46b/Jeb%27s%20Junkyard.wav Lets do this, feel free to try if you want
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