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Everything posted by Elvardo

  1. Wow! This is awesome. I was waiting for a mod like this. Im gonna test it now and report back in with feedback. Thanks a lot for this mod
  2. Ah, that was the problem >.< I forgot to point the Satellite at Kerbin to my satellite at Duna. Can´t belive i missed that. Thanks a lot for your help. To your question: I didn´t land it yet. The unmanned probe is a rescue mission for Jeb who is stranded on Duna. It hopefully has just enoguh fuel to land and put him back into orbit around duna and then he can get into the main ship.
  3. Hey, I have a small problem here and im not sure what to do anymore. The situation is this: I have a satellite orbiting around Duna with a Reflectron GX-128 (400 Gm dish range) and a CommTech EXP-VR-2T (5 Mm omni range). http://i.imgur.com/mAgI4Vo.png http://i.imgur.com/ZH7r1D4.png As you can see, it has a connection. I also have an unmanned lander with the CommTech EXP-VR-2T: http://i.imgur.com/bnR2Iqs.png It is within a 5 Mm range of the satellite and it even shows me that they are connected on my map but i still dont get a connection on my lander. http://i.imgur.com/hrpj8Pw.png Am i doing something wrong? Thanks for your help
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