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Posts posted by DeadlyPear

  1. Just a thought: Would cyclers actually work in KSP? Because don't ships that aren't under your control ignore SOI changes?

    I'm pretty sure things that aren't under your control still do SOI changes, for example I can some debris in an extremely eccentric orbit that went a little past Mun orbit, and sometime the debris would get thrown off because of switching SOIs. The orbit 'lines' did seem a bit glitchy though, so it's best to test it out.

    On Topic: Nuclear-Thermal Engines, that is all.

  2. To be honest, I'd think that the target is so far away that I would prepare for the worst/longest missions.

    Some planets might have atmosphere, so I'll pack a parachute on every ship, regardless of what I'm heading for, just in case I get into a crappy situation or fail on my orbital mechanics. I'm not dismissing landing engines though, because what if the atmosphere is too thin? :)

    Better pack a parachute, and then add about 3 more. Just in case.

  3. I've also done some testing and have created a craft capable of getting a ship with four full fuel tanks and a small one tank lander into a slightly larger than Kerbin orbit. And during this test I got the craft into a circular orbit of what a Mars analog in the Kerbol system would be at (about 22,200,000,000 meters, based on the system being a 1/10th scale) and then I burned back to try and return to Kerbin...

    But failed quite horribly because I forgot I would accelerate while I was going down to the 13,500,000km orbit. with a bit better of planning I would've hit home.

    I do plan on making changes to this craft thought, like possibly adding another tank to the travel stage (as to most certainly not run out of fuel escaping the new system [it would probably also be best to park in a high orbit, as to minimize fuel for the escape{I think}]) and an empty capsule on top of that to actually be able to return to Kerbin seeing as how the lander will NOT have the fuel necessary to do so. So the lander with have to meet-up and EVA the crew over to the travel crew.

    Hmmm... maybe I should have the lander have the empty pod, as to not run into any staging mishaps. Plus it feels more like the Moon landings and such.

  4. Alright, I\'ve done it! I present, the Lunacy SSTO!


    It\'s a simple craft (kinda) with two jet engines and a radial spike engine attached to 4 tanks of liquid fuel.

    It can get into an orbit of 100kmx100km easily with enough fuel to de-orbit in the desired continent.

    (Not a 100km by 100km, but close enough)


    When you deorbit, you are left about half a tank of jet fuel to each engine, allowing for the ability to go a short distance if you are near KSC.

    Here\'s somemoar pictures.






  5. Then we pull the chut at the beginning so it stays at a constant speed! Jk, maybe one that decellerates using rockets, and drops it at a height that the CM could fall from and not explode, then flies over a little and pulls its chute. And, what\'s the difference between one in orbit and one not in orbit? Like, why would the claw be more effective de-orbiting a CM than just bringing it back to Kerbin?

    I was thinking more a craft that can soft land with thrusters on the surface.

    Like my design, but with bigger engines.

  6. From my perspective, having that amount of engines is just wasteful as these aircraft. The main reason (renember, this is my perspective, not everyones) for having a large craft is more fuel (therefore longer range), if you have that amount of engines, your actually losing range for not much more speed (then there is a whole other topic of engines and dead weight).

    That\'s kinda why I put the staging so that you can use one, two, or three. (or activate/deactivate while flying) depending on what you want to do with it.

    (Also, forgot the craft file, whoops)

  7. The A-173 is a fairly large craft using the Mk3 fuselage and swept wings. As you can see in the pictures below it has 3 sets of swept wings on top of the craft, the longest set having 3 engines on each side. The craft Can be flown with only one pair of engines going, although it won\'t be going too fast. The recommended is having all three pairs running (more speed!).

    The craft, for it\'s size, is rather maneuverable.

    To land just find a big open, flat piece of land and land as you normally would. Except try not coming down as hard, the plane\'s a rather fragile thing when landing.


    Front-view in SPH:


    Back-view in SPH:


    After takeoff:


    Flying between the water tower and launch tower:


  8. Here I have created a new space plane that I have dubbed the 'A-9 Lunacy'. A standard two engine craft with a top speed of Mach 2 at an altitude of 14,750 meters.

    This plane gets some of its inspiration from the A-10 Warthog.


    (I say some rather loosely though, doesn\'t look like it at all.)


    It in the SPH:


    Nearing it\'s top speed and altitude:


    Not responsible to the tail wiggling off in the lower atmosphere*

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