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Everything posted by purestevil

  1. Live stream here: http://www.theguardian.com/science/across-the-universe/live/2014/nov/12/rosetta-comet-landing-live-blog What an amazing achievement. Congratulations ESA!
  2. I got upset with Jeb for always taking the driver's seat for every mission. I banished him to the space station. He's been there for more than 20 Kerbin years now. Alone.
  3. I've shredded my station like that (shift instead of alt to transfer fuel) on multiple occasions. Shutdown engine is my friend now.
  4. The funniest craft names I've seen are from the late Sci-Fi writer Iain Banks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_spacecraft_in_the_Culture_series
  5. Do discarded parts (stages, etc) get deleted if they are not part of an active flight if they've be set on an orbit that should take them into aerobraking territory? I've been using a "tug-boat" to chuck some garbage from my space station back to a 45,000m Kerbin orbit assuming they'd crash on the planet and be deleted I then re-dock the tug-boat, but now I'm wondering if that garbage is actually being deleted after observing that non-active flights don't seem to obey they normal laws of Kerbin physics.
  6. So true! That's why I think putting some of that information in a panel on the upper left corner of the screen would help. That way none of the valuable data would overlap.
  7. Could the UI be updated in such a way that some of the important data could be displayed on the screen continuously when setting a maneuver node? For example, while I'm adjusting the maneuver node it would be great if the distance in km at Intersect 1 (and Intersect 2) could be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen (or somewhere) instead of having to move the mouse from the manuever node and hover over the intersect to see the information? I think users would appreciate this type of interface improvement in this Amazing Game. thank you for your consideration. -Steve
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