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Everything posted by acarto

  1. This isn't a bug, KSP is telling you that the rover is at 231.5 degrees East, SCANsat is telling you that the rover is at -128.5 degrees East, ie 128.5 degrees West. 128.5 + 231.5 = 360 degrees. It's just a different way to express longitude/latitude.
  2. I added "cargo bay" to the titles in the cfg files, and it works for the 2m version but not for the 1m version. It might be because the model is different but I don't know. The only differences between the two .cfg: the name (SerCom1m vs SerCom2), the model (SerCom1m vs SerCom2mt3), the "node_stack_top" and "node_stack_bottom" (1m ends in 1, 2m ends in 2), the title (6S 1m vs 6S 2m), the mass (0.07 vs 0.1) and the animation (DoorAnim2 vs DoorAnim).
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