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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Just a quick question, How I do I place Rovers, Lander(s) and Bases on different planets? with out them blowing up, It would save me time for a YouTube video! Thank you guys!
  2. I will retry again, I will keep you updated! Thanks for the information guys!
  3. So far, I have landed on a few planets/moons. However, I still cannot dock, I learnt this from what happend. I launched a new project yesterday (10th Jan 2014), K.I.S.S (Kerbal International Space Station), and I launched the Core, which had two habitat modulus on, and the four point connector thing (forgot the name) I then brought up a refueler and it went horribly wrong, I was with in 10 meters when the accident happend; I turned the engine on! This sent the ship into the station, and blew up Jeb, and Bob....
  4. Bazurak


    Thank you for the welcome!
  5. Bazurak


    Hey Guys I'm back! I used to play KSP a lot, and recently I have made some great achievement's like, Landing on differant Planets, and making it to the Mun. I hope you guys will take me back in as I can't wait to play some more KSP!
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