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  1. Sure. Here is the save file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36224297/KSP%20Save/Station%20Science%20Problem.sfs The craft name is TEST Station Science something, which is the newest vessel launched. If you find anything, please tell me how to fix that. Thank! EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention earlier, I play with a lot of mods, such as KW. For science & contracts mod, I have Fine Prints, Mission Controller Extended, and D Magic installed. Edit 2: I digged out a little bit more of the safe file detail and I found something interesting. Station Science refer to target body in contract by the name of body (i.e. targetBody = Kerbin), while other mod use the number instead (i.e. for Kerbin; targetBody = 1). Might this be the cause of the problem? I will try it out when I have time later. EDIT 3: So I experimented again and found the solution to my problem. Turned out that I can turn in the contract if I recover the experiment pod back. So the contract works so far. However, the contract would not update throughout the process. So it will go from 0 to complete and no update in between that got me confused whether it works or not.
  2. Hi I have a problem with the contract of the mod. It seems like the mod does not track contract progression at all. Like I have a contract for Experment: Plant Growth around Kerbin orbit, when I launch a vehicle with both the experiment and science-lab, the contract would remain uncheck for the launching the experiment part. And when I finished the experiment and brought the result back to Kerbin, I tried to retrieve the vessel (through vessel recovery button at the top of the screen) and I didn't get any reward or progression at all. Is there anyway to fix this problem? If you have already provided the solution before, please link me to that post. Thank you in advance!!!
  3. Hi, it seems that the fix doesn't work for me as I'm still getting the error on SABRE engine (or maybe even B9 part in general). The engine still show the particle effects on both horizontal and vertical axis from the center of the engine. And when I'm on the runway I would start with 174 m/s surface speed and the craft would just stuck in the midair. Also, I have tested using the B9 part with a stock engine and the same problem occurs but I'm not sure whether it is directly related to B9 or not for this problem (stuck mid air on the runway after the craft is loaded) since I have this problem once with stock part too but with only the cockpit stuck midair.
  4. Hi. I'm a new user of this mod and have some question about the DT Vista engine that I could not find in this thread or wiki. According to the description in wiki, the engine should vary it thrust and ISP depending on the level of thrust I currently use. Yet when I try varying the % of thrust, the ISP change but the amount of thrust remain constant at 1,100 kN (also listed in the wiki but not sure if it is correct or not). Is this behavior of the engine correct? If so then what is the different or benefit of using max thrust level compare to lower thrust level of this engine? Thank you very much in advance.
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