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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm having a problem with the game after updating. I can't get the physics warp warning to go away. The OK button seems to do nothing and I can't continue.
  2. Seeing everyone's accomplishments make mine feel a little insignificant. I sent up the first part of my space station. It's just the stock Space Station Core but I hope it'll become something much bigger.
  3. UK here. Can't wait, I just got my new computer built in time for .23.
  4. I hope you do. I just built a new computer on Saturday. Last one struggled with KSP a bit but this one runs it beautifully.
  5. Aramiyo

    Hey all

    Yeah, I'm a bit shy.
  6. I definitely like the idea of a 3D mouse but the price is what's putting me off. With KSP supporting it as of .23, I might just have to give in a buy one.
  7. Aramiyo

    Hey all

    Hi I've been a KSP player for a while, I think I first played it in July 2011 but I never registered on the forums before. I'm not exactly an expert, I've been to Mun and Minmus a few times and I've created a space station but I've never ventured any further. It took me far too long to get the hang of the game, it wasn't until earlier this year I successfully landed on Mun for the first time. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few tips from you guys.
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