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Everything posted by Yuretz

  1. All you probably need is "KerbalDebrisFix" from this topic: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-4-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-4c-2-1-Sep-15%29. Worked fine for me.
  2. Hello. Houston, I've got a problem. :-) Upd: Solved! General info: KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Mods installed: Kerbal Engineer (I'm pretty shure mod has nothing to do with my problem, but rules are rules.) Problem: Jeb boarded External Command Seat on his rover, then I quicksaved and only then I understood: something wasn't right. Jeb somehow got stuck into his seat. So like when I press "W" the rover start moving, but Jeb also starts "walking" forward in his seat. When I press "A", for example, rover wheels are rotated, but Jeb starts "strafing". And so on. When I right-click Jeb - there is no option to leave the seat. Picture included at the end of my post. Funny thing, game still considers Jeb as a pilot of the rover. For example, I have ability to set SAS to follow target, and without Jeb current probe core cannot do that. I've spent some time researching the save file. Compared Jeb to other guys in External seats. Only useful thing I found was this part: ... MODULE { name = KerbalEVA isEnabled = True state = Idle (Grounded) step = 1.208333 packExt = False lightOn = False flags = 1 ... I tried to change "state = Idle (Grounded)" to "state = Seated (Command)", got partial suÑÂÑÂess: Jeb is sitting in command place like he should, I have an option to tell him to "Leave seat", but actually it does nothing. Jeb stays on the seat. I'm attaching my original, unmodified save file. Maybe someone could help me to understand, what and where to fix. Bad enough, I have no backup save file (stupid me, but it's first such probem in 400+ hours of gameplay), so it's really important to me. Thanks in advance. Screenshot: Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jz08c5pxi0442oh/quicksave.sfs?dl=0 .. and log file (if anything good can be extracted from it): https://www.dropbox.com/s/azpg3hs1bitqcmj/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thing to do: Used KerbalDebrisFix.dll from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v0-90-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v0-1-7c-4-Jan-15%29, crashed rover, Jeb got free.
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