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  1. Ok, that makes sense now. And is working. I knew I needed the experiments, but I thought I had to bank up Eurekas and Bioproduct before I could do the research. Thanks for the help.
  2. When I click "Start Experiment" on the Zoology lab, I get this:
  3. I'm trying out this mod for the first time. I have Kibbel figured out. But when I try to run the Zoology or Research lab, I get a message about Bioproducts full or Eurekas full. I assume these are supposed to be actual resources. But none of the parts with this pack appear to have the ability to store these resources. Am I just doing something wrong? Or is there a container for these resources that I'm not seeing?
  4. I realize, I did do the opposite of Kasuha's suggestion. I went the opposite direction, coasted until I was over the pole, then did another long burn. Not sure if the other direction would be more efficient or what. I think it would just bring me back to Kerbin in opposite direction (coming from below instead of above?) How do I mark a thread as answered?
  5. Thanks for all of the suggestions. I ended being about to burn 'north' and use the approach suggested by Kasuha. Right above the pole, I made a prograde burn until I got a Kerbin orbit. I did one lap around, then did another burn to lower my perigee to land. I'm sure there are more efficient methods, but I did get back with about 100 m/s to spare.
  6. I landed successfully in the polar crater on Mun. I did a standard transfer, then burned "up" early on to get into polar orbit. Now I'm not sure how to get back. I'm fairly new to the game so still learning some of the mechanics. From a equatorial orbit, I just burn in the opposite direction of Muns orbit around Kerbin. How does that work from a polar orbit? I have about 1200m/s of fuel remaining sitting in the crater, but my initial attempts to get home have left me far short of delta v. Any tips would be appreciated.
  7. I landed successfully in the polar crater on Mun. I did a standard transfer, then burned "up" early on to get into polar orbit. Now I'm not sure how to get back. I'm fairly new to the game so still learning some of the mechanics. From a equatorial orbit, I just burn in the opposite direction of Muns orbit around Kerbin. How does that work from a polar orbit? I have about 1200m/s of fuel remaining sitting in the crater, but my initial attempts to get home have left me far short of delta v. Any tips would be appreciated.
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