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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. How much does it cost per launch, anyway?
  2. Get TreeLoader.dll and add the parts you need in tree.cfg else you'll need to edit cfg for every part in the pack.
  3. I got like 600-700 science from every Minmus biome and 300-400 from higher orbit and lower orbit over biomes.
  4. Got it, I found the node required to unlock those. Apparently I hadn't unlocked the node leading to it.
  5. Hi, I installed the 0.22 dev build but its only working with Sandbox mode. Do I have to edit every part cfg to add it to career tech tree? I'm also using the Interstellar mod and it comes with Treeloader, I did some research and found I can also edit that tree file and add parts there instead. Will it be compatible by either of those methods?
  6. I just started playing KSP, with 0.23 update I want to set up a base and there is no updated space station mod around. T______T
  7. PizzaCat's Inter-Galactic Pizza Delivery Agency
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