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    Curious George
  1. Hi, I've installed the latest version, but it seems that the nuclear fuel reprocessing doesn't work anymore. I used it in previous versions, but now nothing happens. The remaining time stays at zero, but there are still actinides in the reactor. Or do I use it wrong. I put the science lab right above the reactor. About the DT Fusion drive: One of my uranium went out of fuel on Moho so I wanted to send another one of the same kind to pick up the kernels. The main engine is a DT fusion drive, and the vessel can take of any planet except Eve. Landing in Kerbin is a bit tricky, due to the low TWR. Anyway, I was approaching the landing site, when suddenly the engine shut down, and the craft crashed in to the planet. The other kerbals were not in EVA, but safely inside their craft. Also the safety was put on. This should be fixed: either kernels in any craft are safe, or it gives a warning 30s before, if you might fly to near, so you might change course or so.
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