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Everything posted by Mashpatatas

  1. I think I had a similar encounter, with a probe orbiting the Sun which I was trying to maybe get close to Eve. The thing was moving at a snail's pace so I decided to do other stuff while it flew around. In fact, during the hiatus is when I checked on the infamous flying debris. When I loaded back in the screen was completely black, besides the HUD, and it was showing my altitude as 666666m and my speed as some-number-or-another nanometers per second (why is that prefix included in a game where you launch rockets? O.o ). I could tell from the way the HUD changed that I was watching a slideshow so something must have been happening behind the blackness. I alt-tabbed and an error window popped up, terminating the game. After booting the game back up (I had no knowledge of quicksaves) that probe was gone, along with another four functioning probes in stable orbits around Kerbin which I'd launched earlier. These were unfortunately all of my active launches . If this is the Kraken's work then I've met him two times in four days of owning KSP! One of the encounters erased all evidence of my space program. I get a feeling he (it?) will be my arch-nemesis.
  2. So if there's debris all about that makes anomalies more likely to happen? What are the conditions for the Kraken to strike anyway? I didn't have much debris, since my previous rockets pretty much exploded on "landing" leaving only a few capsules and, of course, the flying chute.
  3. OP here, I appreciate the input about big vs. small, but I only mentioned that in my post to show how the explosion that launched the debris was from a very, very small rocket (like 288 units fuel and the first engine you get in career mode) that crashed very near to KSC. The "space Kraken" is a good enough explanation for me.
  4. TL;DR After what must have been a crash on Kerbin there's now an undeployed radial parachute on escape trajectory away from the Sun. I'm new to KSP. I started a career mode and was trying out different part combinations, thinking bigger was better. After an inevitable string of failures, I decided to make the most basic possible rocket to practice controls and trajectory. Of course, more failures. Later on, I discover the tracking station and the concept of recovering vessels. I look to the debris column.... ...and I find there's a piece of debris shooting out of Kerbin orbit - not orbiting but moving (and accelerating) away from Kerbin. Upon closer inspection, it was an undeployed parachute from one of my tiny rockets, and it was, by my best guess (as there was no trajectory showing on the screen) independently orbiting the sun. Between that discovery and now, I got really carried away with a mission and sort of forgot about the adventurous debris that couldn't be tied down. It's been 114 in-game days and this undeployed parachute is 3.5 trillion meters from the sun, traveling at 342 km/s. It still doesn't show the path, but there's a periapsis marker at 9.7 billion meters on the opposite side of the sun and the description reads, "On escape trajectory out of the Sun". What could cause this? Is it the dubious physical time acceleration?
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