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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. se va a actualizar y mantener con la 1.0 ? me gustaria probar como es KSP con mas gente
  2. thanks but the topic it bout debris landed in KSC disappearing
  3. There is the problem, in the first steps of the career mode every fund counts. Without that loss maybe I should have upgrade the tracking station (i miss those f*kin manouver nodes).
  4. same. That´s what i was talking about
  5. thanks both for the interest. when the command pod land the 4 debris were standing intact quite close. I can saw them rotating the camera. They landed as planned,in fact i saw them landing cause they were near to the pod in the descent. But when I press the recover the vessel button i recovered only the command pod and the parts attached to it, not the debris. In KSC view i see the icons of 2 debris that i can recover, the other 2 weren´t there so in the moment of recovering the vessel the game delete them for no reason. @armagheddonsgw i understand written english perfectly. The problem comes when i have to talk or write XD
  6. hi, first of all, english not my languaje so excuse me for my faults. I´m in a early campaign completing the "test" missions. I had done many missions and recover all parts of the ship, but if the debris land on KSC i can´t recover them. I saw that in a mission where my ship left behind 4 debris (1 motor core and 3 motors radial mounted on it). I reach the heigh that the mission specify (vertical fly), i decouple them and activate the needed part and start the descent. I was going down at same speed as the debris. When i reach the surface i can see the 4 motors landed perfectly, 2 "out" of the KSC and 2 "in". I recovered the vessel and return to the KSC view. In that moment i can only see the 2 debris that landed out. The others disappeared, not recovered with the command pod. Someone have the same problem or it´s just me?
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