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  1. Also happened to a Probe Core of one of my Rockets at an altitude of about 80km. What was happening: Probe Core was mounted on top of Command Capsula for a Rescue Mission. On ascent Capsula got very hot around 1600° whereas the probe core had only a temperature of around 1000°. Due to heat flux and the considerable higher thermal mass of the capsula the heat was slowly transferred to the probe core reaching its overheating temperature which in return lead to overheating in higher orbits. So check your temperatures on your craft But the game is really missing some kind of extra information for this kind of explosions. Not even the flight log will tell you what happend....
  2. So I encountered a strange bug while performing my first mission to the mun in ksp 1.0 For some reason the fuel flow in my transfer stage burned unevenly as the first pictures shows. (I thought about if the thrust limits where different but they were all at full power (second picture)) luckily i quicksaved right before the stage seperation so you can investigate this issue more (quicksave #2 (stage before is still burning); craft file is Probe 02) the complete save can be found under: Save (tinyupload) (Maybe some mysterious issue with the craft file?) Other Minor issus: Engineer's Report does not find landing gear although it is there (Plane 01; Plane 02 ; LY05 and LY01 Landing Gear) Button "Crew Report" is shown on right click if MK1 command Pod is empty and Kerbal is standing on the ladder (it shouldn't be shown right? It doesn't have/serve any function... ) Strange onesided parachute bug with the radial attached blue ones. One side opened without problems other sided show warning that chute is stowed althought the chutes where placed in symmetrie mode (or something similar) (did not investigate this one)
  3. for playing with BTSM i am using action groups to toggle my communication devices. Works pretty well. Setting the delay to 2h and toogle the action group. Then remove the delay and toggle the antenna again to deactivate it. After 2h the probe will go online again. Important though: Dont leave the probe or the flight computer will be cleared; (i already lost two probes because of this o.O)
  4. The Kerbal train (36 Kerbal) a bit hard to turn but works it is based on the design from before. As i said it is extendable. The basic design is as follows: 1) M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition as the base of the rover (or longer version but need more wheels) 2) attach solar panel on the end. (with snapping) 3) attach Battery to the bottom beneath the solar panel and rotate so that batter locks up (with snapping) 4) attach wheels (no snapping) as high up as possible. 5 fine rotations down from the parallel allignment of wheel and i-Beam 5) attach Command seat from the bottom and turn it up (like the battery) (with snapping) 6) good to go (dont forget to disable the wheels steering in the back for better stability) 7) if there are problems (rover does not move, problems with terrain) rotate the wheels a bit more i found that the longer versions are stabler than the shorter versions if your are going for the shortest version i think you could do the same with two octangonal struts the real limiting factor in diameter are the wheels.
  5. Thats not 0.625! Nice try though. Here is my try Only the tires are a bit bigger than the stack seperator. If they are flat and the suspension is a bit under pressure it should fit nicely in 0.625. (i tried to angle the tires a bit more but apparently the rover does not drive anymore; maybe due to the clipping of the wheels into the terrain) only 9 parts weres used in the rover and the current version can carry two kerbals but is extensible. I dont think smaller is possible because of the size of the tires.
  6. i think it will max out somewhere at 400 m/s. The added thrust of the turbojets is compensated by drag which is added. my record so far lies at 390.6 m/s
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