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Posts posted by jamesbjoseph

  1. I'm not done yet, I still have the Legacy Command Pod to do. I'm just doing the interior now. I have a question though.

    Would people prefer a set-up like the mk1-2 pod where there is two kerbals on top and one on the bottom, or one where they are all together in the middle? Or something else entirely?

    I think a two kerbal pod would be nice.

  2. I'd like to, and for the past couple of hours I've been trying to get it working, but the airlock refuses to work. I've done this plenty of times before, but for some reason it doesn't work this time. If anyone really wants it they can give it a shot. Here's a download link with the part and the .blend file. Hopefully I'll get it figured out eventually, but anyones welcome to try it.

    Legacy Cockpit Download

    Neat, thanks. I can take a look at the airlock, not saying anything will come of it, but I'll peek at it.

  3. @guto8797 - made texture change, not sure if it's more heroic, but certainly less dead-squid looking :D

    @Kolago, good idea, to the drawing board!

    @smurphy34, done. new filename should be EDEngines-v1.1.zip

    @jamesbjoseph, still trying to figure out cryobox setups. no much of a use unless I can get the mesh to change based on crew inside, so far it's purely cosmetic. IVA would be extremely claustrophobic and would have nothing to see inside, no controls of any sort, this is not really an escape pod. just a box to bury dead kerbals in.

    small udpates for the koffin, link in 1st post. I turned off gravity in the video.

    Ah, I get that, I was thinking more in terms of having some kind of IVA image available for any kerbals you place in the box, not so much as an IVA purposed with allowing you to control a craft from it.

  4. Empty coffin switch is good idea. :) I'll add that. I'm part way there with an engine module that puts flames on it and burns it. just need to find the correct orientation for the FX. I want to apply the plaque thing on it from the beginning, still haven't figured out enough coding to add that yet. It looks possible.

    Actually, going one step further, it would be amazing if you plugged a simple iVA in there and allowed Kerbals to get inside, that way you could actually go and rescue Kerbals, load them on your rescue craft with KAS and then take them home. Or, alternatively, use the coffins as cryo containers.

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