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Everything posted by Libertyacclimated

  1. Jeb is currently on R&R after a successful multi part mission on Minmus collecting science with a lander, and returning it to the orbital minmus research station, and then repeating several times until fuel had become an issue and then he returned to KSC...
  2. Hahahah, I've read all of these, and this one is by far the best...
  3. Tip number 1 for beginners: Try to make your important flights to the mun ect begin with an *equatorial* orbit around Kerbin... When I first started and first began achieving orbit, the next problem I had was trying to get to the Mun, but always had funky encounters because my plane was always jacked up... So that being said, work on achieving an equatorial orbit. It's the next step to success after being able to just achieve orbit.
  4. http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/ Theres the DL link I got it from, its still broke though. I'm sure this early on no worries though things will be worked out soon enough.
  5. I tried that "working dev version" of mechjeb. About the only thing working is the mechjeb case is available as a part. Other than that its basically useless. The main tab isn't even there...
  6. First mission to land Kerbals on Duna, and return Apollo style. Taken from control of the orbiter with view of Duna, the sun, and the Lander after undocking for aerocapture.
  7. They just had to go and break Mechjeb again didn't they... They just don't like that mod or something.
  8. They just had to go and break Mechjeb again didn't they... Lol
  9. Landed my first mission to Duna, with bill, jebediah, and Bill Kerbin. It was also my first Apollo style mission, and with a few f9's, everything wen't Okay. Got em back all the way to Kerbin, then realized I hadn't repacked my shoots, aaaand thankfully had just enough fuel left to soften the water landing enough that the pod survived.
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