Stranded on Eeloo along with Bill and Bob, patiently waiting for the rescue team that is currently being rescued by the rescue team [tried to dock the rescue ship with my station (while watching tv) and ended up slicing the station in two pieces]... So not lookin' good for good ol' Jeb...
Well it made 8 hours of waiting way more fun than it would have been so thank you sir! Something tells me if the SQUAD decides to publish the release date of 0.24 all hell shall unleash on this forums... Can't wait
Before had problems even looking at Laythe and its ocean... now my 120 part heavy transporter is searing through the skies of Laythe with not even a single hiccup. Developers take note how a company is run and a product improved! Congratulations Squad! Extraordinary update. Now its time to set up a science station on Eve... Thank you a million times!
Thank you SQUAD. I feel bad for only giving 30$ for this game. Excellent support and production values. This game is already in my top 5 games of my lifetime and its only in early stages... Oh well, its updated. See you in quite a while :-)
If the servers could scream the server room would be louder than the sounds of screaming families when they watch me steer their loved ones into the dark abyss.
Ok Squad... I have a cat here.. and a gun... Now either that update gets released or I am strapping this cat to a rocket and launching it to moon. I'll shoot the neighbour with the gun...
Little more, I can smell the 0.23 in the air... yes... yes... Go go squad, my kids are sleeping so I can only enjoy a little bit of ksp... that quiet space...
Well squad now you know, if you ever declare war on a minor country just upload the newest update on their servers and the zerg will come... we will come...