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Posts posted by macTijn

  1. 1 hour ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

    Is it just SpaceDock, or is the Github alt DL also not working as well? The link is working on my end, and the info page you linked is showing 1.7.12 along with the others. Do you have any anti-virus/firewall type stuff that might be blocking the download?

    The github download works fine. I think the SpaceDock CDN isn't properly synced or something like that, as it does work from my server in another country (and so, presumably, getting directed to a different CDN end point). http://imgur.com/a/LdMku is what I see locally.

    I guess I'll have to take this up with the Spaceport people... sorry to bother!

  2. 5 hours ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

    macTijn, Since this is a pre-release I would rather there not be a CKAN definition for it (especially because it's all 3 combined packs). You are welcome to use it yourself if you are set on using CKAN for mod installing, but I certainly do not want it added to the main CKAN database and will not be providing support for it.

    No worries, I have no intention whatsoever to add this to NetKan or any other database. This is just for those kerbalists who don't really like to deal with all the manual unzipping, like me. Did you know that OSX has no way to merge folders in Finder? it's terrible at best.

    5 hours ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

    Also, your timing couldn't have been worse, because...

    D'oh! Oh well, I'm not going to burn myself on this one. It would be harder to package, as it includes a KerbalFoundries dll, which is not available yet for 1.0.5 on CKAN, so I'd have to package my own version for that too and I'm waaaaay too lazy for that.

    Anyway, Thank you so much, I'm a big fan of your work. This mod is amazeballs.

  3. On 12/8/2015, 1:40:54, ZodiusInfuser said:

    I've taken the liberty to whip up some loose CKAN files for the v02 alpha release, based off the older ones in the CKAN repository. I've briefly tested them on a cleaned install, and I could be missing a dependency or two. I've updated the dependencies to KSP 1.0.5 and IR 0.21.4 (available from CKAN's main repo).

    I did this because I have a strict ckan-only policy, but I love fiddling with the new bits.

    I added these to my main install (replacing the v01b bits), and my base still exists, and the models look fine. However, no guarantees. Use at your own risk.

    Download: http://we.tl/r492SATxY6

    You can install these manually through the CKAN GUI (I don't think it's possible via command line, unfortunately) via "File" -> "Install from .ckan...". Make sure you install one package at a time, starting with the Core one.

    If anything seems broken, please test with a manually installed version first, and on a clean install.

  4. Well i'm not Enigme, but i do have NEAR installed

    Well, there's the problem :) As NathanKell noted on the previous page, this plugin is not compatible with NEAR, currently, and DYJ himself was so friendly to post that the next version is going to be compatible with NEAR.

    Currently I have a B9/NEAR setup as well, and I really really miss this mod! ;.; (although I got my first SSTO, finally, after many attempts. Woo me!)

  5. Same, it's buggy, i can pick the parts but i cannot place them in game, i can hear the sound like if the part was placed but it's not and the piece remains over my mouse. I think a usable 0.24.2 version is needed because this is an awesome work... But kinda useless if you cannot use this great stuff.

    Do you, by any chance, have NEAR installed? you're describing exactly what I had when I ran into that situation.

    If not, could you please share your log file with us?

  6. NEAR and FAR are not the same thing; that's kinda the point. As the OP points out, these wings do support FAR, have supported FAR for over a year, and in that time there have not been posts talking about how they break with FAR.

    Hi NathanKell, nice of you to chime in, I'm a big fan of your work.

    I realize that FAR is not NEAR, but glancing at the codebase at github it seems NEAR uses a lot of FAR code, and so I mistakenly expected some compatibility here, and adding with Funkeh's bug report I suspected both NEAR and FAR causing the trouble.

    I'll prod and poke some more when I get home tonight.

    I managed to "solve" this issue by removing and reinstalling FAR. Weird that it fixed it as I was using the same version before as now, yet I'll not complain!

    Nice! Happy KSP'ing :)

  7. I've been receiving Null Reference Errors when trying to connect the procedural wings basic control surface to any wings whether they are stock, B9 or procedural etc.

    This happened to me too just now, and I believe it has to do with ferram8's NEAR / FAR being installed, as I just now added NEAR to my GameData folder, and I see FAR in Funkeh's list of addons. Also, right after this happens, the editor goes all wonky, and you won't be able to really delete parts or attach new ones.

    my latest KSP.log (SPH session starts at around 18:10:42)

    Hope that helps! I really would like to play with NEAR, and a spaceplane without procedural wings would look too crappy...

    ninja I just realized it's more likely to be a problem in NEAR and FAR, as, according to Funkeh, it seems to happen on all wings, and not just procedural wings (didn't test yet).

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