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Everything posted by cryptk

  1. I don't think that their DevNote was about that. Squad hasn't approached Majiir about it (at least not that Majiir has indicated), even though he has offered to talk with them about it on a few occasions. I think them working with someone like Curse or Nexus would be more likely. That said, I just read all 10 pages of that thread since I hadn't heard of it before, and I am feeling motivated... only problem is finding the time... it would be quite an undertaking.
  2. I am thinking that it might be something more along the lines with partnering with someone like curse.com to replace the spaceport. This would allow for a desktop client to install addons and keep them up-to-date.
  3. This makes complete sense. I am guessing that the one with a payload of 10 tons had less delta-v. The more mass there is to move, the more force it requires to get the same change in velocity. This means that you will have to burn more fuel in the heavier one in order to get the same change in velocity. Since you have the same amount of fuel in both, the one with more mass can do less of a change in velocity. Delta-V means Delta-Velocity, or "amount of change in velocity that you can accomplish". Mass go's into that equation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsiolkovsky_rocket_equation
  4. This is just about a perfect description of part of the functionality of SCANsat, which is currently in development. You can't get it from SpacePort yet since the author does not yet feel it is ready for release, but I have used it before and it is definitely quite usable and feature rich already. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-WIP-SCANsat-terrain-mapping
  5. Just a heads up, the mod has been updated to show that it is compatible with 0.23 on spaceport, but the thread title has not yet been updated. If you are checking here to see if it works, it works great and the version of the plugin does not look to have been changed between 0.22 and 0.23
  6. Just a heads up for anyone checking for 0.23 compatibility. So far I haven't run into any problems.
  7. I can confirm that screaming at it does not fix Engineer Redux... Here is what I found in the logs when I installed the combo chip on a rocket: Those last lines about a MissingMethodException repeated until I removed the part. There was no change in game when the part was installed other than having a chip part on the rocket (I.E. no GUI showed up or anything).
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