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Ok I'll have to do that after work. Thanks
Id love to, but how do I post them? I cant find a way to upload them.
Hey Everyone! I just landed some rovers on Minmus. I did some expermenting with them and tweeking. They are pretty sturdy and can handle a rollover. That was part of the test criteria. I gave them enough RCS to flip themselfs back over. I gave them life support and a winch and pipe end points and plugs from Kerbal Attachment system and Tac life support, and an antenna from Remote tech. They seat two, and they have room to attach science experments while exploreing Minmus. I came up with a deliverysystem that I forgot to test, but worked flawlessly. The rovers were on outriggers extended from the side of my minmus lander ship. Above them were outriggers with winches. I lowered the winches and attached to the rovers. Then I blew the decoupler rings disconnecting them from the support outriggers, and lowered them simutaniously to the surface with the crane. It worked great the first time. Drove the rovoers over to my base. Now I have a way of servicing my base's life support supplies as needed as well. They seem prety stable and arn't easy to flip over, b ut when they do RCS is spammed to flip them back upright, even on Kerbin. I gave them a roll cage as well. Also, the battery is underneath and I had to put a skid plate on it to keep it from getting bumbed by terrrain if i go over a hill too sharp.
You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!
insylem replied to Mastodon's topic in KSP1 Discussion
A new day, a new fail: Today, Jebediah deorbited his ship to deliver the first modual to the Minmus base II. The first Minmus base ended in disaster and claimed the lives of two Kerbals. His ship landed with the payload okay. The payload being a payload of snacks and other life support equipment from Tac Life Support. He goes and gest the crain to lift the payload onto the docking ports to join it and assemble the base. Well, When he turned around the crain, he fliped it over. Oh No!!! The crane is huge. But Minmus' gravity isn't So he tried to flip it back himself, but he wasn't able. Next he went and gathered some RCS ports from the base core, that are no longer needed. Placed them onto the crane and with the aid of the torque wheels, was still unable to flip the crane. The last ditch effort was to grab a grapling hook (From Kerbal Attachment system) but there was nothign to attach it to so he hooked it to the ground. Hopeing it would be able to bump and bounce, but no joy. It just drug the crain a few meters. Then the grapling hook disapeared. ?? So they will have to send a new crane from kerbal. The new one should be able to recover the first. Then they will ahve a backup -
Scott Manley!
You Will Not Go To Space Today - Post your fails here!
insylem replied to Mastodon's topic in KSP1 Discussion
I don't have any screen shots or videos. But my Minmus Base 1 just failed today, completly. I had designed a base that has Docking Port Srs on its perifial. I had made a ship to slowly lower the different moduals onto the docking ports, so that they all could be connected and shared ect. Well, I was lowering onto the Power supply modual, that had LOTS of batteries, Solar Panels and a coupleof those generators. As soon as the docking stations connected after about 10 seconds of just sitting on the "landing pad" docking port, the game glitched, and the entire base went under ground about 2 meters. This caused massive distruction. Peices went flying everywhere. The drop ship managed to escape, however when I switched back to the remains of the base to see if I could save the Kerban in it still (Bob Kerman) the dropship despawned. We'll just say it made a stealth return to Kerban. But Bob survied the explosion, and then went into the capsul on the base. The life support modual was compelty destroyed, so all he had was the life support from that lander can pod. (Tac Life Support) So I IMMEDANTLY mounted a rescue op. Just as I was enterting Minmus' sphere of influence, I got the messagethat Bob was running low on Oxygen, Food, and Water. I had just entered into orbit when he sufficated. So I proceeded to land, and planted a memorial flag in Bob's honor. Took the stored experiments from the Lander can, and descided to rename the Base as a memorial to Bob. When entering the lander can, since I figured it would add to it the Oxygen from the EVA suit, well Mr Kerman took his helmet off... I"ll hae to rename the failed minmus base in the save file. (I don't count that as cheating since a name is just a name, and in real life you can redesigant spacecraft on a chart in mission control without going to the spacecraft) So the Minmus Base 1 Project has failed and been scrapped. They will next be working on the Minmus Base 2 Project. -
Is it just me? Or does the music remind anyone ealse of the Sims ?
I spent most of my time today trying to undock my tug from my space station The directions on how to "Fix" a bugged docking port are too hard for me to follow
Remote Tech with Previous Probes
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Well I found it in the save file. I set one of my other Sats target to Kerbin. Then I found that sat and copied the target. Then I pasted it into my save file for the target for my dead probe. That seemed to work. I don't see this as cheating, since it would have been set up that way before remote tech, just I didn't have the options to do that. I noticed that I do not have to Physically POINT the antennas at each other. That would be very Tricky. That would make a VERY challangeing update. -
Remote Tech with Previous Probes
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Well that's not completely out of the question. The probes apaoapsis is the orbit of Kerbin, and its currently on its part of the orbit to the apoapsis. Just kerbin has moved in its orbit from where the probe was launched. -
Hello, I Launched a probe to the sun. THEN, I found and installed remote Tech. It immediantly Deactived the already activated antennas on my probe. I had the D 88-88 one and some others. Well, I go into the save file and re-activate them. I dont consider this cheating since they were activated before the remote tech install. Well, I now have a sat Network set up. I activated a D 88-88 Dish antenna (The default folding one) it has the required range to reach my probe. I targed it to the probe with the menu, and did as best as I could to orient the spacecraft to the probe. I cant do anything to my probe because it has no connection. In real life though, it would be listening for a transmition. As logn as it hits it. Anyone have any luck recovering previously launched probes after installing Remote Tech?
Assembly Building Action Grouping
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Got it thanks! -
Assembly Building Action Grouping
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Well I have experience somewhat with QBASIC when I was a teenager. So, I edited the code. That was WAY eayser (for me) then doing each light by itself. Besides. The docking port lights shine onto the port from the adjacent ports. Better illumination that way. -
Assembly Building Action Grouping
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
It worked thanks! Now I can turn on and off the docking lights for the #1 through #4 ports. Thanks! Not sure how to make this thread "Answered" -
Assembly Building Action Grouping
insylem replied to insylem's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
I figured. That was my backup plan. Im going to try Sirine's suggestion first. That plan would be way too tedious, and my OCD would kick in and I'd never be happy with the manual symetry.