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Everything posted by Megadyptes

  1. It 'fights' another mod but downloading this mod is entirely optional and the only people that are going to download this mod (which isn't included in other mods) are people that don't want modstatistics collecting their data. The same can be done by editing a config, or you can OPTIONALLY download this mod. The same end result. People who don't care about privacy won't download this mod or edit any config files to disable modstatistics. There really isn't any major issue here apart from with Ignath, Solar and that Rath guy causing issues.
  2. Thanks a lot for the plugin, it's kinda sad that this plugin has to exist but there we go, cheers. Also Rathalon and Ignath should stop ting up this thread.
  3. People have been raising concerns about privacy and requesting that this plugin be opt-in for months now, all of which was just brushed away by Majiir. He only has himself to blame that this is becoming such a major issue and that Squad is having to become involved. The solution is simple and it always has been, respect people's privacy and ask for their explicit permission to collect their data. Using the excuse that people will opt-out and ruin the statistics or whatever is not acceptable.
  4. ModStatistics ought to be disabled by default unless the user specifically gives permission for data to be collected, something similar to how squad has a popup requesting to collect some anonymous data when you first launch a fresh copy of KSP. it should not be enabled by default and the way to disable it should not involve going through forum threads to figure things out and editing files etc. this is an invasion of privacy, I won't be using kethane until this is sorted out. peace and love.
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